Surgery: SJ

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So today I get to go home after my top surgery. It feels so good that I'm now all male. And I feel free like ther is nothing that can stop me.

Any way while I'm waiting for my mum to pick me up I scroll threw tiktok. I come across a video of me and her. The caption says "imagine being Scarlett Johanssons kid." I laughed and continued scrolling.

People always think I'm supper rich but I'm not we are just like every other family except she's an actor. But I'm just like an other kid. I went to a public school, I got a job at a young age but that's because it's something I wanted to do.

Anyway Im brought out of my thoughts when I hear someone knock on my door and I look up to see mum smiling at me. She walked I've and gave me a hug making sure to not touch my chest. God I don't  deserve her as a mum. She so amazing, she always makes sure that I'm okay and not hurt.

"You ready to go?" I nodded and pulled away from the hug. I got my things and made sure I didn't leave anything behind before we left the room. As we got to the door we out hats and glasses on making sure to hide our faces so they don't get pictures that we don't want or could ruin mum's life.

Once we get out mum makes sure that she holds my hand so we don't lose each other 1 because I don't know where she parked and 2 it happened once but thats a different story. As we walk threw the crowd I felt someone touch my chest which cause me to cry out from pain and I squad down to make my self ss small as possible. My flight or fight response is different to most people. I can fight but most the time I just make my self small so there isn't much to hurt.

Mum straight away turns round to look at me when she notices I'm squating down in pain. She comes straight to me and hugs me. While trying to get people to move back. A lot of them help and move others back.

"It's okay. Let's get to the car and then  we'll be done." I nodded and stood up with mum holding me even closer to her. I'm so glad she's here I don't know what o would have done with out her here with me.

Once we got in the car she looms at me straight away. "What happened?" I shock my head no not wanting to worry her. "Hunny I need toy to tell me." I looked at her and then down at my hands like i did when I was a kid getting told off. "One of then touched my chest." I said still looking down. She went to get out of the car but I stopped her."I just want to go home"

She looks at me unsure but nods slowly and puts her seat belt back on before starting the car and driving off.

Once we get home I go to my room and get into bed. To be honest my chest only hurts when people touch it or I move to fast.

I put on my TV and just out a youtube  video on. After being in bed for a couple hours I see my mum poke her head through the gap in my door.

I pause my TV which tells her she can come in. She walked over to me and we sat in silence while she hugged me. We stayed like this for a bit until my alarm went off.

"Why have you set an alarm?" I sat up and turned it of before showing her the cream for my chest. She smiled at me and kissed my fore head before going to leave.

"Will you help me?" I asked before looking at my hands nervous she'll say no. But next thing I know is she is sat next to me making me look at her.

"Of course I will."  I smile and took my top of and she help remove the tape.  She got the cream ready and slow put it on. This cause me to flinch at the contact because like I said earlier it hurt when it's touched.

She kept saying sorry every time it hurt. I know she didn't mean to but it still did. Once she was done she helped put the new tape on. When she was done I went over and hugged her.

We use to do this when I was a kid and slowly stopped it. We only did it if something upset her but that wasn't often.

God I miss this. "Can we hug like this more often?" I said while hugging her tighter afraid she'll leave if I let go. I felt her start to stroke my hair which cause me to calm down. God she knows me so well.

" you don't even have to ask." We stayed like this for an hour before we deiced to move down stairs and order some food. These are some of my fravioute times. When we don't have to worry about things and can just be us and have a good time.

She's been so busy with the outset and films that sometimes it feels like she forgets me. But then we do this and I know that I'll always have her with me.

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