meeting everyone

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Today I'm taking Alex to go meet everyone. I'm not sure how they are going to react cause they hate meeting new people and being in big crowds. Anyway im packing what we need or are taking with us. I pack there rubix cube, some snacks. They have there sound proof headphones so we wont forget them.

I slowly walk over to Alex and put my hands on the floor so they can see that i want to talk to them they bring there headphones down so they can here what im going to say. "You ready to go?" They slowly stood up and got there shoes on. 

The whole way there on the bus and train they stood next to me with there headphones on. As we walked over to the compound i could see the nervous coming and they start to panic. "I don't want to." They slowly start walking back. "Hey, hey come here. You can do this, i will be with you the whole day." They wouldn't carry on walking so i gave them a piggy back.

Once we got into the compound i put them down and walked into the living room. "Hey everyone this is Alex my sibling." Everyone said hello and introduce them self's. After a while Alex was playing with his Rubix cube while everyone was talking. Tony asked me to come see an update on my suit. 


Peter left the room with tony to go see his suit. We was all talking and i notice that Alex was sat far away. "Alex what do you like to do?" Steve spoke up however Alex with still playing with a Rubix cube with headphones on. Steve started to get angry he walked over and pulled their headphones down. Alex jumped up and started to panic.  Steve started to yell at them which caused them to panic even more.

I stood in front Alex ad Steve moved back and left the room i told Wanda to get Peter. I turned around and saw them Sat on the floor Rocking back and forth. I sat down in front of them and then peter ran in and sat behind them. 

I moved back so that peter could try and calm them down but still close in case they need me to step in. Peter suddenly wrapped his arms around them and then they started to kick and punch trying to break out of his arms. After a while they slowly started to tire them self's out and fell asleep in Peters arms. Peter stood up with Alex in there arms. "Pete take them to my room to sleep." He nodded and took them to my room and let them sleep. 

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