I'm here: SJ

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A/n: For this i am joining marvel and the normal world but only hydra and them keeping people, you'll understand more when reading. Family has had covid and i was helping them cook and clean by helping i mean me doing everything while they are asleep no excuse but i will try and do more uploads.. Mention of death, Needles, kidnapping and other triggers. if these bother you pleas don't read. 


My whole life i have been used to fight in wars or take towns. I never had a choice my parents gave me up for this but i don't want to fight.  My parents sold me to a group called HYDRA and brought drugs with that money. 

At the place where i was kept i had to teach my self things like how to speak and read but the reading wasn't my best area. They often took me to  a room where they would make me run and do weights. I may be 17 and strong but these people knew how to get you on the floor.

Anyway a couple of days ago me and some other people got saved by the US police. They where doing a raid and found us so here we are, im sat in an interview room explaining how i got their, and they said that im going to be put up for adoption so i can have a family. 

I was sat in the "room" they gave me when two guys in black came in with a guy in a white coat. I moved as far as i could be before two guys grabbed me and pushed me onto the floor, I tried to move away and out of their grip but i couldn't.

As the needle went in i could instantly feel a burning feeling in my body. They let go and left but the feeling was still their. It was like i was on fire and i couldn't do anything.  A couple of moments later they walked in with some cloths and threw them at me.  

I got into the cloths and they told me to get my gun and sit in the corner of my "room"  and shoot at anyone who is not a part of HYDRA. That's not what i did tho i sat in a corner with no weapon. (Just some ideas for the outfits.)

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End of flashback

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End of flashback

Here i am sat in a room waiting for the person who wants to adopt me to arrive they put in a fancy outfit. They said i should impress the person but i don't know how, i don't even know what i like to do let alone how to impress people.

I could hear the handle to the door move so i went and faced the wall like i was always told to do. "Y/n you don't need to do that" I slowly turned around and sat back down. The lady left so it was just me and a blond women. She put her hand out like i was meant to do something. "Hello, I'm Scarlett." I put my hand out like she did, she chuckled which confused me. "This is a hand shake, you do it when you meet people." She showed me what to do and i gave a small smile.

"Y/n" She looked at me and i could she the smile coming to her face. "Nice to meet you y/n, what do you like to do?" I shrug my shoulders. She turned her smile into a frown and i could tell she wasn't aware of my history. 

"They didn't tell you my past?" She shook her head no which made me frown. I started to explain what happened and how i didn't want to do anything, by the end she was sat next to me with her arms around me. "What is this?" she pulled away which felt weird like i wanted her back. "A hug?" She said as she got rid of the tears by her eyes. 

"Its nice." Was all i said before giving her one. She wrapped her arms around me and smiled and wrapped her arms around me. "I want to take you home." Was all she said before she stood up and walked out, was i meant to follow her or stay here? She opened the door and walked in with some lady. 

As they where talking i zoned in and out but i didn't really listen to what they where saying. I didn't really understand it, but ill learn what they are saying and the meanings. 


"Get up!!" I stood up as fast as i could the person motioned for me to follow them so i did. If you don't listen you normally get shot or they send you away. As he opened the door i saw that we went to the training room. I got ready for him to punch but he didn't he looked behind me and i turned around to be met with a punch to the face. 

As i went to get back up i felt a blow to my back, i rolled over and felt punch after punch to my face. Once he was done punching he went to kicking. When he stopped the other guy put he foot on my neck causing me to struggle to breath. He then picked me up and threw me over to the bench causing me to hit my back and have pain shoot threw. They dragged me back to my own room.

End of flashback:

I felt a tap to my back and when i looked i saw Scarlett looking at me. "You ready to go?" I nodded my head as an answer, we left and when we got to her house or our house it was dark. "You should probable sleep its late." I looked at her confused and she showed me to a room. I looked at her confused an she motioned for me to go in.

"This is your room." I looked at her with a shocked face. She's giving me this whole place to my self. "For me???" She nodded in response. I ran to the bed and touched it, when i sat on i felt like i was on clouds. I turn to look at her and smile. "Thank you." She smiled and walked in. She pulled the covers over me and smiled. "No problem, it's my job as your mum to take care of you. We're going shopping tomorrow." She said as she left. I closed my eyes letting sleep consume me.


"Sit up now." I slowly sit up and looked about. This isn't Scarlett's home. I saw the guy slide a metal tray over to me with something white on it. I moved back but was stopped when i felt a hand pushing my head towards the white powder thing. 

I tried to move but every time they smacked my head to the point where they just punched my face, when i gave up. Once the powder was gone i felt lighter like everything was gone. Until the pain hit, the feeling on fire, pain was all i could feel. I screamed and screamed. 

end of dream:

I shot up when i felt someone shake me awake. I turn to look at  who it was as i started to back up when i could finally see that it was Scarlett. I launched my self at her and hugged her as i let my self cry. She rubbed my back while whispering things in my ear like "Its okay I'm here " or "It was a dream". It might have been a dream but it felt so real. "Please don't send me back." Was all i could say while she held me. I eventually fell back to sleep holding onto her.


I'm so happy Rose and Cosmo aren't here because i don't want them to wake up or get scared. I knew they would have nightmares but i didn't realise how bad. They fell asleep on me but that's okay. I lay them down before getting my phone from my room and going back to y/n. 

It didn't feel right to leave them their on their own. I got in next to them and wrapped my arms around them before feeling them do the same to. As i finally fall asleep i think about what im going to do as im meant to be on set tomorrow.

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