Car accident: SJ

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I just got of the phone with Y/n, whose on their way home from work. Me and y/n are both actors its actually how we met. It was the set of civil war and they where playing Spider-Man. They may be 29 but they look 16. Anyway after homecoming and civil war they where signed onto 2 more movies. Which is what they where doing today. 

All they told me was that the movie is called Spider-Man no way home. I know the rules about not telling anyone but this is making me want to know what it is. Cause in the last movie people found out the out who Spider-Man is. Anyway as im putting the TV on for rose and had Cosmo in a high chair.

As i was just finishing feeding Cosmo i could hear my phone going off in the living room. "Rose can you bring my phone please!" I could hear the little feet movie on long the floor until my little girl brought my phone. "Thank you baby." I kissed her head and she went back to the living room. I noticed that it was a private number. so i moved away from Cosmo and picked it up. 

"Hello." I said while smiling at Cosmo. But what i heard was not what i wanted to hear. As soon as i told them i was on my way i got my shoes and coat on. "Rose get your shoes and coat on and go to the car." She turned the Tv off and ran to do what i told her. I got Cosmo in the car and Rose got in and then we where off.


As i was leaving work i wanted to get Scarlett so flowers. I pulled into a parking lot and got out and went straight to the flower area. I went to get her favourite flowers which are Roses. After i payed i left and went to my car. Before i could unlock my car i felt someone turn me around and then something hit me in the face. As i fell to the floor i felt constant hits on my face and body. 

I mange to get a look at who was hitting me. Colin (No hate to colin just in the story.) He has always been made at me the fact that i got with Scarlett after he cheated on her. After he finished beating me up. I was able to get into my.  I was only about 5 minutes drive away from the house so i made sure that i was able to drive home. Once i pulled up to a red light Colins car came in view. The light turned green i started to drive when Colin turned his car into mine and it pushed my car into a pot hole which cause my car to tip.

After that it all went black and i could just hear the sirens from the emergency services. As my vision came back i woke up in the ambulance with a women saying my name. I tried to sit up but she pushed me back down. "Sir stay down. " I shock my head no. "Scar....Scarl...Scarlett"  Was all i could say before my vision went black. 

I woke up in a hospital room with Scarlett in a seat next to me holding my hands. I couldn't really say anything so i moved my figures to rub her hand. She slowly woke up and when she saw me she sat up straight away and then kissed my forehead. "I missed you so much." She said with tears coming to her eyes. I tried to speak but all i could get out was a high pitch nose. I looked at her with tears. "Hey its okay, the doctor said you have a broken hand, cut on your head, bruised ribs and you voice just needs a rest." I slowly nodded my head still scared.

Once the doctors said i could go home. I was told to not talk and rest. Before we left the police came to ask question and i wrote down what happened. They told me they would keep me updated and wished me well. Once we got home i typed out a message so Scarlett could.  "They with my mum dont worry." I nodded and we went inside and layed on the sofa and we stayed like that for a couple of hours.

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