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A/n: I have had a shit day, my work has been so shit and my manger has been a dick sooo.


I haven't seen my son, Nate, in years. His dad won't let me have any contact with him. That pains me. It really does.  From what i last knew, he was into art, gym, adventuring, and science. I always loved seeing the way he smiled when he was doing stuff he loved.

Nate and I could always talk about things, laugh, and more. I would never forget his smile. The blue eyes. Or how he gets all grouchy when he's sick or when he's tired and refuses and says he's not and then falls asleep 5 minutes later.

As I got rose to bed after 20 minutes of her refusing for different reasons, one stood out the most. "The rain is too Lound and wants me to play." Nate used to say that when he was younger
Rose wouldn't know that because she wasn't born when he said that, so I wonder where she got it from.

I sit on the sofa and let out a tired sigh. I take a beep breath and open my phone yo look at pictures. I only have one photo of Nate and Rose together. She was a baby, and he was about 10. The rain getting worse, and thunder started. Nate loved the thunder it said he felt like thor. Yes, he did tell Uncle Hemsworth.

There was a soft knock on the door. So soft like they didn't want it to be heard. I stood up and carefully walked towards the door as if it could have been a murder. As I open the door, my heart explodes. Their back might have been turned and walking away, but I knew who it was.

"Nate!?" They stopped as if there were a dear in head lights. I took one step out of my door, trying to get closer. As if they would slip away at any second.  They didn't move an inch, not even when I took another step into the rain. "Nate? Can... you look at me?" The boy looked down and slowly turned.

His face down the whole way. My baby boy was here in front of me. I let a tear drop. The thought of him being here didn't seem real to me.  I reach my hand out for him to grab. He took it, which allowed me to pull him into me, hug me his arms wrapped around me so tight as if i would leave.

"Please don't.. leave me, mom, " He said as I could feel his tears fall. I pulled him as close as I could. "I won't. I won't. I pulled away and moved his face so I could see. Bruises all over his face, cuts and scratches slowly forming an infection.

"Come on, let me get you warmed up and clean inside." He nodded his head, and we went inside. I could see he was dripping and drenched from the rain. "Why don't you have a shower and get warm. I'll dry your clothes." He nodded his head and went to the bathroom. I quickly dried his stuff because I don't have clothes that would fit him a part from a jumper of mine, but that's not enough.

As i sit and wait for him to come out the shower i think if the reason why they could be here. Last i knew there dad didn't want me to see them because he said that i was making him upset and want to be like me, he didn't like that so he left. I was never allowed to see that again, it hurt and i did try to get them back but nothing worked. 

I could hear Nate coming down the stairs, i sat up and got ready to question him. I could see a happy that he had some warm cloths on. I don't think they've had warm cloths for a while. I patted the seat next to me and he sat down next to me. I put my arm around them and pulled them into my side. 

"I'm very happy your here but i need to know how or why you are here." They nodded their head and looked down.  I could tell that it was hard for them to talk about so i gave them as much time as they needed to start talking. "Dad... he... did this to me but he doesn't care about me since he has a new wife and kid." I could see that he hasn't told someone about this and now that he has he can let it. Tears fell like rain drops falling on a window rolling down. I held him in my arms as the tears carried on falling.

"Why don't you get some sleep. Well go shopping tomorrow." He nodded his head and stood up and gave me a soft smile. The way he acted strong even tho he wanted to cry i could tell he was staying strong for me. "Is my room in the same place?" I could see the nervous appearing for example he fidgets with his finger.

I nodded my head and took him there knowing he'd be nervous to go there on his own. I stayed with him till he was asleep. My mind running 50mph, thoughts flying around. How could he do this to Nate? Why? What was the reason? I hate this man like that's his son how dare he lay a hand on him. As my eye's slowly closed i looked at Nate to make sure he was okay before my eye's closed fully. 

The sun blasting through the blinds. I could feel some body stir awake next to me. As i blink as i turn my head. I see my baby boy. I thought it was a dream but no it was really it happened and i now have him in my arms. "My baby boy." As smile so big on my face you would think that I've just seen him for the first time all over again. 

As he rolls to the side i can see how much he looks like me. Although he has started looked a bit like his dad but i don't mind.  I love how much he cares for people and how he makes sure that others come first but some time he needs to work on him self. 

This is my family. My perfect family back together agian.  

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