I'm sorry kid NR

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Trigger warning: Talk about abuse and smoking  


Me and Wanda are on are way home from having a girls day out which was spent shopping and using Tony's card. I can't wait until Morgan is old enough to come with us on these. As we are going down this road we come up to small one way area. As we was driving i noticed someone stood at the edge looking like they where about to jump. I stopped the car and ran over which caused them to turn and look at me in the eyes.

"Hey kid. You know smoking is bad for your health?" I said in a calm manner so that they don't get scared. I could see their blue eye's glistening as the tears began to fall down their red checks. "Why don't you come down and talk to me." I said slowly putting my hand out for them to take. As i was doing this Wanda came and stood behind me, they slowly took my hand and came down.

I pulled them into a hug for multiple reasons. 1-it stops them from getting back up there, 2 they look like they need a hug. I slowly walked us to my car and gave Wanda their cigarette. She understood why i gave it to her and she put it out on the floor. "What made you want to stand up there." I said as i looked down into there blue eyes that still had tears in them. 

They looked up at me and tears started to fall again and they hugged me again. Something about this doesn't seem right. As i look back at them i notice bruises on their neck going down their back. "Honey can you tell me your name?" I asked with concern in my voice. "Y/n." was all they said in a whisper. I slowly look at Wanda and told her to go in my mind through my eyes. 

"Wanda they have bruises down their neck thats going down to their back." i said in my mind hoping she could hear me and i'm not just talking to myself. "Do you think they are being abused?" Wanda asked thinking the same way as me. I nodded at her and thats when i decide to take them back with us and make sure they are safe. I walked them back to my car and put them in the back while they where trying to stop getting in the car. "Kid we just want to help you. Please get in the car." I said trying to get them to understand that we care. Once they where in i got in a turned to face them. Wanda put the light on and thats when we saw bruises all o er their face. 

"Is someone doing that to you?" Wanda asked concerned, but they didnt answer. "Kid you can tell us we wont hurt you." i said trying to convince them that we can help. They nodded and tears started to fall again. "Its going to be okay." i don't know who i was trying to convince me or them or Wanda. "Was that your parent or parents?" I asked wanting to know more. They nodded as they silently cried. I started the car and drove back to the compound. How could someone do that, why would you do that. 

Seeing what they did made my heart ache for them. They have been through so much and they look so young at least 13. "How old are you Y/n?" Wanda asked, it's like she read my mind. "16" was all they said. There is no way they are 16 they look so skinny and small. God why are people like this. As we pulled up to the compound i saw that they were a sleep so told Wanda to go inside while i get the kid out. 

I took them into my room and saw small cut's with dry blood on them. I went to the bath room and got the first aid kit and started to clean their cuts. When i was done i saw that they started to wake up. "Hey, is it okay if i look at your bruises?" I asked making sure they where okay with it before i went and did it. I want them to be comfortable. They nodded their head while rubbing their eye's. They walked over to me and lifted the t-shirt up and showed me all the bruises on their stomach and back. When i saw all of  them my heart broke at how they where treated. 

natasha /scarlett one shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora