Its okay we can fix it: SJ

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A/n: This is base of my experience and I don't want to offend anyone.


So Y/n is really into fitness and they love the gym side of it to the point where we now have a home made gym that not many of us use just them. Most days they will be in there unless I'm making them rest.

The thing is because of their autism it can make them really into things for example drums, then titanic and now gym. I'm not complaining it's just hard to know what they are into.

Anyway it's their birthday today and we got them loads of stuff that they will like. So I'm on my way to wake them up so they can get ready for school.

"Honey wake up." I say as I stroke there hair. They roll over and open there eyes and I can see there diamond blue eyes staring at mine.

"Good morning honey. Happy birthday." I said as I kissed there forehead while they sat up I left their room so that they could get ready and I went to get Rose and then go downstairs.

Once they came down we had breakfast then move over to presents.  We got them some new gym wear, new ipod [100% should bring then back], a skipping rope and then some shoes.

They looked so happy opening everything. I left the house with Rose so I could get to set. I made a deal that if I came to work earlier I could leave earlier to pick y/n up.

Y/n was left with Colin who said he would take them to school.


I run upstairs to go get my bag. I like my gifts that I got today but the one thing I didn't like was the skipping rope. I know that I sound so shit right now but it's true. But I would never tell my family.

As I was in my room I could see the skipping rope on my desk and it was stressing me out to much. I don't know why but it does.

I went under my desk and curled up into a ball. I don't know why but it's my safe place. I could hear Colin coming up the stairs and I know he would come in here.

"Y/n we are gonna be late. Y/n?" I could see him bend down bur I didn't want to come out cause I know as soon as I do  I would see the rope and I don't want it.

"Buddy come on we need to go." I shake my head no. I could hear him sigh and leave the room.

I stayed under the desk until I hear the door open and I see someone else that's not Colin walk in. They slowly Lowe them self to my hight and I could see that it was mum.

I feel bad cause I know she would have need to leave set and I didn't want her to do that.

She came and sat under the desk with me but didn't get to close knowing I don't like to be touched.

"Y/n can you tell me what's wrong or why we are under the desk?" I slowly turn my head to see her face and she was looking at me.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say. I move over so I can lean my head on her. She moves her arm to wrap it round me. "Why are you sorry."

I took a deep breath in and then let it out. "I made you leave work over something stupid." I said while looking down not wanting to see her face incase she was disappointed or angery.

"I would leave work for anything. I dknt care if its stupid or not." She said as she was calming me down.

She let out a breath before talking again."What made you upset?" I looked at her and saw she really wanted to know.

"I.. I don't... I don't like the skipping rope." I said I could see she was confused by what I had said. "It's not right. It's to techy, I just wanted a normal one." I said while looking down.

God I sound so shit right now. "Is that what made you come under here." I slowly nod and keep my eyes on the floor I heard her realise a sigh. God she's probably angery with me.

"Why don't I go get a new one then or you can come with me and we can get one that you want." I looked up surprised she wasn't made at me.

"Your not mad?" I looked at her still surprised that she's not mad. She let out a little chuckle. "Why would I be mad. I mean yeah Colin got you that but i kinda knew you wouldn't like it." She said and let out another chuckle.

"Will Colin be mad?" I really hope he won't. Its not like I'm not happy I got one. I really want one it's just not what I want. "No and if I is then I will deal with it." I smiled at her and we got out. She grabbed the box and took it to her room.

"Why under the desk?" Was the first thing she said as we sat in the car on the way to the shop. I shrug my shoulders. " I don't know I just feel safe under there."

She nodded her head and smiled at me. Once we bought the skipping rope we went to set and she opened her trailer door and let me stay their for the rest of the day before going home.

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