Vigilante: NR

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I feel like the song Wolves by Selena Gomez would be on during this. 


I was sat having my morning coffee like i normally would when it was interrupted by the one and only Tony stark. Does this man ever stop running around like a child. He was jumping up and down like he just downed a bunch of coffee. 

"Tony if you don't stop jumping i will make you." I said will giving him a death stare. He stopped immediately. Ha he's so scared. "Sorry Nat it's just i think i know who the vigilante is." He said like a bubbly child who just found the Christmas presents in their mum's room.

He ran off to the meeting room making me groan. Don't get me wrong i would love to put this guy away but  they have made crime rate go down by 10%. I have to give it to them they have done a good job. 

I sat in the meeting room listening to Tony ramble on about how to catch this guy. We all left to get suited up ready so that we can bring this guy in and see what they have been doing. As we walk towards the jet we can see parker slowly running along. God i sometimes don't know why Tony brings him. 

As i get ready for this person on the roof top i can see peter messing around on his roof. I sometimes wonder how we get's stuff done. As i went to say something in the comms to peter i heard a noise behind me. I look and see someone stood behind me.

"Who are you?!!" i yelled out studying them. They have a bow and arrow and a green outfit. We need a nickname for them imma go with green arrow. "You all come up with name chose one. Better question is why are you hunting me?" i stand still honestly i wasn't listening to tony so i have no clue.

Before i can answer them rest of the group arrive aiming there weapons at them. I don't think this is who we should be looking for. "STAND DOWN!" Tony yelled, i mean really they are right there no need to yell. They stood still not moving, i feel like they are like peter and not wanting there identy every where, i respect it.

"Move the hood down and put the bow down. If not for us then the people you keep safe." I said trying to reason Yelling at them isn't going to help. They slowly put there bow down and i walk to pick it up and they slowly put there hood down. I can see the hope in there eyes to show that they trust us, me. 

"OMG." We all turned to peter who was walking towards the person while taking his mask off. We all looked between the two confused as if they were to know each other but im guessing they do. "Y/n, what...this is... so cool." He said with a smile making tony turn his head looking cross as if his own child had just bullied another kid.  It made me smile thinking about this kid. Peter come's to the tower and always says how he wants y/n to have a good life with a good parent. 

"Why don't we get back to the tower. Y/n you coming." I smiled at the kid to let them know that it was okay. They slowly nodded picking up there bow coming to stand near me with peter on the other side.

1 Year later:

"Y/n come on, we are going to be late." Today we are going to visit Clint and his family. We have been there a few time's but today we are having the whole team there. Ever since that first night we met i felt a mother bond with them and he we are. My child that i adopted 6 months ago and i couldn't be happier. 

As we pull up i see y/n smile when he saw Clint with his bow and arrow, this wasn't there actual house  because he isn't stupid to have the avengers turn up and god knows who could follow. We walked over greeting everyone smiling and laughing. 

We sat there for a good hour before we heard a bang coming from all sides. As we all ran into the house and took cover, we did a head count noticing that someone wasn't here. Before anyone could say anything y/n leaped out of the window and ran straight to were peter was. They got to the car's where y/n was able to grab their bow and arrows. As peter was running y/n was sending arrows out and i mean they hit all of the people but it's just they all died. 

Y/n ran back to us and i don't think i have ever moved so quick to get them. I pulled them into a hug and i felt the tear's in my eye's fall.  "Don't do that again." I said while still hugging them. God i don't know what i would have done if they died. 

"I didn't mean to scare you, it's just i want to save peter, and i'm sorry." They said while still hugging me. God i just wish that they didn't have to deal with this. Once we knew everyone was okay we all headed home taking extra steps to make sure that no one would follow.

natasha /scarlett one shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora