Family: SJ

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I woke up yo Alex in between me and colin. Alex is 2 and a half. They cuddled into me and i wrapped my arms around them. Colin slowly woke up and saw us two cuddled up and the smile on his face grow. He slowly got out of bed making sure to not wake Alex up. When he made it to the bathroom Alex slowly started to wake up. 

Their eye's was staring at me and they had a smile just like Colins. I got out of bed still holding Alex. I walked into the kitchen to see my daughter rose sat eating breakfast. She looked up and groaned once she saw Alex. When Alex was first born Rose loved her and then it changed when we found out Alex had autism and that they needed more help. After that she doesn't like them and we don't know why.

I sat Alex in their high chair and went to start making breakfast. "Rose sweety would you like anything to drink?" I asked as i smiled up at my daughter she shock her head no and continued to watch tik tok's on her phone. Colin came down and kissed mine Rose and then Alex's heads before he left for work. 

"Here is money for school lunch?" i gave rose $20 so if she wanted to get something on the way she can. "Thank you. Mum is it okay if 1 or 2 of my friends come round later?" Rose asked looking up at me with hope. "Fine but your watching Alex later so remember not to loud cause Alex wont like it." She smiled at me and got her bag and left. 

"Just me and you." The smile that was once on their face fell to a pout. I quickly went over and pulled them out so that they were sat on my hip and i went back over and grabbed my coffee. "You hunger baby." I asked all ready knowing the answer. They taped there stomach two times to show me that they are hungry. 

Once we had breakfast i sat them down on the floor and then i went and sat on the sofa. As soon as i turned the Tv on the news's came blasting through the speakers. I quickly turned it down. Once it was at a low level i saw Alex sat with their little hand covering their ears rocking back and forward. I jumped down and slowly went over to them. I rubbed there back until they had calmed down and for the rest of the day we sat watching tv together.

"Rose you have my number, Colins, Lizzies and everyone else if there is a problem you ring us if you cant get a hold ring everyone else." I said telling my daughter what she has to do. She nodded and we said goodbye so we could head to the cast dinner.


I can't believe mum made me babysit Alex. I don't hate them it's just that mum and Colin give them a lot of attention. But i understand why. Anyway im waiting for a bunch of friends to come round. I know mum said 1 or 2 but i invited 4 its only 2 more so it shouldn't make a difference. 

Im watching friends and Alex is on the floor playing with blocks when we hear two knocks which tells me my friends are here. I answer the door and we walk to the living room. I pick Alex up so they could be in a different room when they start kicking and hitting me. I know they are only 2 and a half but it hurt. 

Any way me and my friends are blasting music and having fun after a while 1 of my friends leaves to go to the bathroom but come back straight away. "Rose i think there is something wrong with you sibling." we all turned around and looked at them confused i thought she went to bed.

I walk into the corridor to see them freaking out. "Errmm maybe you guys should leave." They all nodded and left quickly while i try and approach Alex. i quickly realised that i couldn't i rang mum and told her what's happening. 


Rose rang me saying that Alex is freaking out and im racing home i left Colin cause he was in the bathroom and had no time to collect him. Once i reach home i see rose at the door wating for me. As soon i get in the house i can see them rocking back and forward with tears down there face and hands over there ears. "Rose hunny tell me what happened." I said needing to know what's happened. "I was listening to music one of my mates was going to the bathroom and they told me about them and i rang you." she said panicking. 

i nodded quickly and i walked over and wrapped my arms around them. They were punching and kicking me the whole. "Rose hunny you need to open my bed room door." She ran a head of me and opened the door. I sat on the bed and held the close. After about an hour they feel asleep in my arms. I put them on my bed and went to find rose. 

"Hey sweety. Thank you for ringing me and im not mad." She nodded and hugged me and i held her close. It must have been scary to see her younger sibling like that. "Can you watch them while i go and get colin." She nodded again and i went of to get colin.

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