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So I'm waiting for y/n to pick me up. I'm so happy we are finally going on a date. I know they are autistic so i wanted to make sure that they where okay with where we go cause i don't want them to be uncomfortable. I really like them and i hope this date goes great. 

I've always like y/n. I know what keep's them calm, what they like, what they don't like. What i'm trying to say is i know what they are like. But one thing i didn't know was that they liked me back that was until they asked me on a date. 

God i'm so excited for this date, as i was making sure i look good i hear the door. Do i have time to change i don't think this is a good outfit. Wait no they are here, oh well. As i answer the door i see a very handsome y/n stood there in a black suit with a whit shirt and a blue tie. God sometime i question their colour choices but i like that about them. 

God they are so cute. The tie match's there eye's perfectly. God and the way that the shirt hug there body. I can see them holding flower's, awww they remembered my favourite, Rose's. God if i ever have a daughter that's what im calling her. 


So I'm on my way to Scarlett's to pick her up for our date. I'm really nervous. She knows im autistic but she doesn't know about my stutter, and i know i should tell her but i just scared she wont like me any more, it would affect how we talk and so much more. As i pull up to her house i could feel my hands get sweaty, i took in a deep breath to try and calm my self down. Here goes nothing.

I knocked on the door and the goddess her self opened the door. God she looked amazing. "Hi" she said but i couldn't focus on what she was saying as i was just to stunned to even say anything. She waved her had in front of my face, okay stay calm we have got this.

"H...Hi" Oh god no its happening. I just hope it doesn't carry on. I make eye contact with her and she gives me a shy smile, god she is soooo perfect. I give her the flower's i had for her Rose's her favourite, she put's them in the house and comes back. I offer my arm so that i could take her to the car. I open the door and she hope's in saying a small thank you, i quickly run round the side to get in and start are drive. 

Anyway we pull up to the restaurant i can see that it was pretty empty their is like 2 other groups their. When we got out i ran round to scarletts side and opened the door for her and offered her my hand again. She give's me a small smile and then looks at the restaurant that i picked and smiled. "I...If you don't like it we..... we can go some place else." Oh god how many times is it going to happen. This is so embracing god. 

She kisses my check which causes me to turn red a like a rose. "It's perfect." I walk us in and wait for someone to come to us. "Hi welcome to De'vi, can i ask for the surname." I took a deep breath in and let it back out i could see scarlet look at me concerned "Y....y/l/n." I gave him a small smile which he sent back. Just breath it'll be okay. 

As we took our seat's i could see scarlet still looking at me with concern. Now it was my turn to give her a shy smile. "Can i ask a question?" My head snapped up thinking that she didn't like the restaurant, wait is it me, am i dressed okay. God i knew i should have gone for the black tie not blue. I gave her a small nod. 

"Do you have a stutter?" I let out a sigh, oh thank god its just that. WAIT. OH GOD WHAT DO I SAY. SHIT I DIDN'T THINK SHE WOULD ASK. "Errrrrrr.... i don..don't know what your... talking about." My stutter taking full control. "it's okay if you do." I stay quite while looking down. She probably just saying that. I lift my head up and nod. "I do bu...but only when im.... nervous." I say making sure that she knows i don't always have it. 

She gave me a smile. "Why didn't you tell me." I shrug my shoulder's honestly i don't actually know why, i just didn't. "I mean i think its sweat." I look up shocked no one has ever said that. "Really." She nodded her head multiple times to show that she was be honest. 

"Why don't we get out of here and go for a walk?" She offered as she knows im normally calm if im walking around, i gave her a nod before putting some money down and walking out hand in hand.


As we walk around talking about anything i can hear that the stutter is going, so im glad that this help's it away. God they are so cute. I love that they can talk about what they like and the fact that they always say random little facts. The way there eye's light up when they are looking at something they love, like when we watched the arrow, god they where so happy or the time they beat Chris H in the Salmon ladder, that was so funny and they did it like 6 times before they stopped but even then they didn't look tired.

We stop at a bridge and look at the sun set. We stand there hugging before a gust of wind blow's past. I shiver and see that they started to take there blazer of. They wrapped it round my body and went back to hugging me.  


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