Im sorry nat: NR

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A/n: This is really short i'm sorry.


As i waited for the jet to land so i could make sure that my baby is okay. I adopted y/n when they where 15. We had just taken the red room down and we clicked and i felt like their mum so i made it real. 

As the jet landed i saw my kid walk off with the help off Clint. I ran over and helped take them to med bay. As Bruce was checking them over, i went out side to talk with Clint. "What happened?" I saw them look up at me tears in his eyes. "When we got there it was like we walked to no mans land." They looked at the ground and let a breath out. They looked back up and just looked forward. 

"We started to fight and there was like 3 people left and then bam, i saw them fall and hit their head but they got up and carried on fighting. Then on the jet they coughed blood up."  By now we both had tears down are face. He pulled me in for a hug. We stayed like that for a couple of minuets.

Bruce walked out with y/n. I stood up and went over to them, they didn't even say a word they just looked forward. "They need to take it easy bed rest for a while. I couldn't see any thing wrong." Bruce said and then took Clint to  get a look at him. I took y/n to their room who didn't say a word the whole time. 

They got changed and i helped them into bed and just looked at the wall in front of them. I could tell that they didn't want to talk so i left to go to my room Where i fell asleep while reading a book about WW2.


I heard a heart breaking scream. I got up and ran straight to the room. I turned the light on and saw y/n in the corner of the room. I went over and pulled them into a hug. They tried to fight me off them but i made sure that i had a tight hold. After a while they calmed down.

I stood up and went to get them to the bed when their body went limp. I layed them on the floor and that when it happened. They started to have a seizer, i made sure that they wouldn't hurt them self. "JARVIS GET BRUCE HERE!!" I tried to do my best but well i don't really know what to do. When Bruce got here he held there head (not sure if that's what your meant to do). Once it stopped Bruce got them in bed.

"Nat, this is most likely gonna happen a lot. I also think they might get PTSD."  I nodded my head and then looked back at y/n. I walked over to them while Bruce left the room. I got in next to them and pulled them into a hug. I took note to remember what Bruce did so that if it happened again i would know what to do. 

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