There back: SJ

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My friend is always going on about this one student called James and of course there nickname was bucky. But they went on holiday with their family but it didn't turn out as planned.

What they said was on there way they got hijacked and taken a by a group and used to bargain with the UK army. The only surviver was bucky.

My heart dropped for this kid they where 16 when they left and this happenes to them.

Anyway im making an appearance as a guest to go round the school talk to some people. As I get there I'm taken to my first class which is history and after that it's English.

As the day carried on my last class to go to was PE which my friend was teaching. As I got there she said the year 11 group was small 4 girls 2 boys.

We walk into the room and like every other staff member she introduced me. "Hello. Its nice to meet you all." I said and they all waved apart from one boy but I didn't take it to heart.

"Today class we are going to be doing a fitness test. This means bleep test, rope climb and push-ups maybe some sit ups."

As the class started I saw the boy who didn't wave make sure he was away from people. I turn my head tk my friend and she was looking at me with a said smile. That's when it hit me he was bucky.

As they came to the end of the lesson they where told that they could ask any questions they wish to me as long as they where appropriate.

Of course all except bucky asked questions but that's okay. As they where going to leave on of the doors slammed to hard which cause the kid to jump and dive to the floor and cover his ears and head.

My heart sunk for this kid. I looked at my friend who was slow approaching bucky. I watch with care and saw she was getting on the ground with him.

"Hey. Your not there your okay." After a while he slowly realised where he was and relaxed I went and gave him some space so u left making sure the door shut quietly.

I went home with my friend so that we could hang out. "Where is bucky going to go?" I want to know. I feel something for this kid, I care for them.

"We don't know yet. They will most likely need some one to Foster or adopt them. Why?" I shrugged my shoulder and we continued to talk the way to hers.


I was back at the school but this time they had another set of guest. The year 11's where going to take part in army training and told to come in things that can get muddy. I was curious and wanted to know what they did and lucky I got told I could watch. 

Me and my friend made sure that they where safe and no one was being silly. My eyes kept falling onto bucky but I didn't mind. I could see that he looked like he was reliving something.

After a while they finished the safety brief and started with a run before they where going to do the exercise.

The exercise was they would run, climb up and over a tower thing and then under some rope which caused them to go through mud and then round to the finish line.

Once they started I could see that bucky was in the middle making sure he didn't stand out however when they got to the muddy bit no one went through they all stopped.

"WHY ARE YOU NOT MOVING!! MOVE!!" No one did apart from bucky he made his way forward from the climbing thing and ran straight for it and went under and look like he didn't  care. He came out muddy bit carried on running.

"THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT! HE WILL BE A GREAT SOLIDER!" Ehile the army guy got people moving I saw that bucky wasn't there.

"Sophie? Bucky is gone?" She looked where he last was. She was confused and sk was I. She got more teachers out side and had 2 new people watch the group before we and other staff went to find him.

Like any team we split up. I could hear noses and when I turned the connor I could see bucky but he was on the floor shaking. God I feel so bad.

Slowly I got on the floor and got near him but kept a distance. "Hey. It's okay. Your not there." He slowly looked at me and I could tell he wasn't sure but I gave him a reassuring smile which caused him to relax. He moved so he was next to the wall back against it. He moved over so I could join him.

"I'm sorry." Wait why is he sorry.  Did he think it was his fault? Maybe he was scared? "Why are you sorry?" I asked confusion in my voice.

"You need to get on the floor." Oh he was sorry that I got a bit dirty. This kid is so nice. "You don't need tk be sorry. To be honest it's I was nice getting dirty. Makes me think of what I could have been instead of an actor."

We both laughed before everyone else walked round the connor. We stood up and walked back where the class was. He sat on the side near the staff but had enough space between us.

"No one has calmed him down that quick." Sophie tells me. I smiled before turning to her. "I want tk adopt him." I said with a big smile kn my face. This is what I want to do. I haven't told any of my friends or Colin or even Rose but this is what I want.

She looked at me and smile we went to get the paper work before going back to him. It was the end of the day everyone went to get there stuff.

Bucky was the last out however I didn't let them go. I showed them the piece of paper and smile they looked st me and then hugged me. It felt so nice to hug them. I can care for them help they get better

Let me know if you want a part 2 or anything.

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