Kidnaped: NR

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Trigger warning: Needle, drugs, Kidnaped. Don't think there is anything else.


So I'm on my way  home from school but I've noticed this guy following me home. I've taken a bunch of turns to try and get rid of him but he just wont leave me alone. I pull my phone out of my pocket and go to contacts. As i go to click on my mum to ring her i feel someone grab me. I quickly put my phone back in my pocket so they don't see it.  

I feel my self get pulled in an ally. They put a bag over my head then put me in a van. Once they get me in the van they punch me in my face until i black out. After a while i wake up in a cell. I feel around in my pocket for my phone. I take my coat of and sit in a corner. I go put my data on so that my location changes on Life 360 (Its an app where you can see family and friends location.) I see that it changed my location and then my phone died.


So Kaden should have been home by now and im getting worried. I go to my phone and pull up the app life 360. I see his location is still at school but i know if he was still at school he would have told me. I call a team meeting but i  know something has happened to them. 

"Nat why did you call a meeting on our day off?" Of course Tony would ask that. I think most people picked up i was panicking. One because i was walking back and forward. And two because i never call team meetings. 

"I called it because Kaden should have been home by now and i know something has happened." Just a i was about to explain something i got a ping on my hone from the app life 360 saying that his location was updated. As i pulled up the app i see that he is in the middle of nowhere. 


I'm currently hung up side down with blood running down my face and body. I mean really. I get out of school and this is what happens. "I will ask you one more time. What is the avengers plan?" I shake my head no feeling slightly crazy. I start laughing and they walk over with a needle. "This has a drug in that has been created by my team. And well... now we test it on you." He said smiling. I try and wiggle out but men just hold me keeping me still. Once they let go i start to feel the effects happening really quick.

They all walk out leaving me hung up side down, blood down my body and high. I start to laugh to my self for no reason when i here a bang. Men start to scream and run past the door. I see someone at the door and then light came in though the door as they open it making me shut my eyes as quick as i can. "OH MY GOD KADEN." I slowly open my eyes. Its my mum. She slowly lets me down and i smile at her. I was laying on the ground with my head on her lap. " mum." I say she looks at me confused before she could ask anything someone else came in the room.

"Nat you found them." They kneel next to my mum. Its Wanda. "Hey did you know that my mum... Is BLACK WIDOW." I say smiling at her.  They both look at each other then at me. "Kaden are you high?" I hear my mum ask but i was focused on her hair that was down by her shoulder. she moved my face so i was looking at her. "Kaden i need you to tell me what they gave you." I smiled at her and started to laugh. She looked at Wanda then me again. "They gave me something new." Was all i said before i started to close my eyes the last thing i heard was mum and Wanda telling me people to keep an eye out for anything that could be used as a drug. 

I woke up in med bay. I closed my eyes again as the light was so bright. I let out a little groan as the pain was there and the fact that the light was bright. "Kaden." I slowly open my eyes and look to my left and saw my mum stood there with a small smile on her face. "Mum" she came closer and hugged. I wrapped my arms around her and then everything that i was holding in just came out. I broke down. I oved so mum could sit down and she did she held me close as i broke down in her arms. 

"That's it let it out." She kept saying stuff like that to me. Once i finally stopped crying i could see mum looking down at me with a sad smile on her face. As i went to move to get comfortable a massive serge of pain went through my body. "Make it stop." Was all i could say. Mum got up and got Bruce and he gave me something that after a while the pain stopped. I moved over and after a while and let mum get back in bed and hug me again. 

"Im not letting you go out on your own for a while." Was what my mum said after a while. I nodded. To be honest i don't really want to go out without her with me. We feel asleep hugging each other. I woke up screaming and then screaming more cause of the pain. But lucky i had my my mum there to help me she stopped the pain by giving me some median. She whispered stuff to me like don't worry your safe or i wont let them get you. Just stuff like that, it really helped, then she held me close and said she would only fall asleep after me. And that's what she did for me. She made sure i was asleep and then fell asleep after.

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