Chapter 14

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Quinia Piters. Everyone hates her, that includes me. I never like the female lead but it doesn't mean I'm on league with this evil step-mother! All evil step-mother should burn to hell!

Anyway. These two seemed close, the novel never specified how they become this close. There were too many women who's chasing the Duke. They couldn't even receive at least one glance. While Quinia, she can even go to his estate like it's her house.

"You two were close," I said. I didn't  hide my displeasure.

"We're not," he denied.

"I am not sure about that. She can easily enter your estate like it's her own house. I can't even do that back then," I said.

"Do you hate it?" He asked me.

"Hmmm. I hated it if you will marry her. Why would you marry her, do you need an heir?" I asked.

I am not sure actually. As far as I know, in the novel he needs to produce an heir that's why he married that woman. It's because I hated that novel, there were things that I can't remember.

"I would never marry her," he denied. He seeemed sincere, the novel did day that he never love that woman.

"Okay. Then I don't want to talk to her," I said. That's right, let's not talk to people like her. I will just remember how she made the female lead sleep outside when it's winter!

"You don't have to talk to her," he said. Right, but when she's here, I won't have a choice.

"Okay. You can put me down now," I said but he didn't listen. He continue to carry me until we arrive at my chambers.

"Sleep tight," he said. I thought he would leave immediately but it looks like he will watch me sleep. I just hope his wife would not visit me in my dreams.

"Good night," I mumbled.

"Good night," he said then he kissed my forehead.


I woke up feeling great. Why? Because Erian didn't visit me in my dreams. Maybe because of the duke?

Lanie helped me wash up and then I went staright to the dining room. I expect the duke waiting for me but I guess he's too busy.

I decided to visit him after breakfast. I don't know why, maybe I am getting used to seeing him everyday.

"Duke! What do you mean by that?!" I heard a woman's voice. For some reason, I wanted to know what they are talking about. I am good at eaveadropping, that's one of my talent.

"You heard me," he said with a cold tone. Oooh, he's annoyed.

I entered the room without knocking. I mean, these past few days, I do that a lot.

"Reyana," he immediately carried me in his arms.

"Daddy, I'm here to visit you," I smiled at him. The looked on his face when he heard me call him Daddy is quite funny.

"G-Greetings Princess," she stuttered. I waved at her and smiled, a fake smile.

"You should go now. My daughter and I needs some time," he said.

"Ah, but Duke. I think the princess needs a motherly care. Don't you think so, Princess."

She looked at me and smiled. Wow, that excalated quickly.

"But you're not a mother," I said to her. Her eyes widened in surprised when I said.

"Ah no but I can be a good mother," she said smiling.

"What do you mean by that?" The duke frowned. We all know what she meant by that.

"Nothing. I just think that the princess needs a mother who can take care of her," she tried to smiled warmly but I have to say that she failed.

"I rather eat dirt," I said loudly. The two both look at me in amusement. Yeah, I can eat dirt. Want some example?

"See yourself out this instant," he glared at the woman. She looked at me with that blazing eyes, she's furious.

"Bye," I waved at her until I couldn't see her figure anymore.

"Reyana, what did you call me?" He asked.

"Hmmm. I don't know," I said. He wants me to say that again huh?

"I heard you call me that. Say it again," he looked serious. Is that really important.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just say it," he said firmly.

"I called you Daddy," I mumbled. It feels weird when I say that to be honest.

"Daddy, huh?" He said he smile at me and hug me tight.

"Do you want me to call you Daddy?" I asked. Because he looks so happy, and he's been nice to me. I can't hate him when he's been doing a lot of nice things to me.

"Of course. I am your father after all."

He smiled again. I noticed that he only smiles whenever he's with me. That's great but also awkward.

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