21| Zephyr

241 12 11

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Z e p h y r 

(n.) a calm, gentle breeze.


My heart talks about nothing, but you.

– Albert Camus


i am a terrible author, i know, but in my defense, i didn't know doing your masters could give you both a reading and writing block.

nonetheless, i hope you enjoy this one loves - this was so warm to write. 



Adam barely talked the morning of.

Belle noticed it during breakfast, how jittery and out of breath he was; how he barely touched his food, could barely form a complete sentence – she noticed how nervous he was, and she couldn't blame him.

Adam would barely talk to her about it – he just sat in silence, watching her sew – and even though Belle did say that Adam should shut up every once in a while, she didn't mean it like this. Adam usually had this glow to him – his smile would match the sun in his hair, and his eyes would twinkle a soft hazel – but last night, Adam was all greys and silence.

Belle could barely keep herself steady the entire time she was home.

She was trying to keep herself occupied – reading a book, sewing some more on her latest dress, finishing up some remaining homework – but even so, Adam was always there, lingering at the back of his mind.

It was as though her beige walls looked almost empty without Adam's soft shoulders against them, and that the fairy lights in her room looked dimmer without Adam's luminous smile – everything always lead back to him, and Belle didn't even know how that came to be, but now that she was here, all alone, she couldn't hide how much she missed him.

Within the past weekend, Adam has been the sole reason Belle was able to smile as much as she did, and even when the both of them were quiet – either working on homework, or he was just watching her sew – there would still be the smallest of smiles on her lips.

She assumed that Adam had that kind of power over her, but at the same time, she wanted to be happy around him, and she didn't have to think about all the disasters coursing through the mansion in the wake of her mother.

With Adam, she felt normal – as though there was nothing wrong.

Lumière informed Belle that Adam would be coming late today. She didn't particularly blame him for it – she would've wanted to catch up with her friends too, if she was isolated from the real world for almost five days. Ms. Potts was the one who came up for lunch with Belle, but she couldn't bring herself to eat.

She's grown to enjoy Adam's company, and eating alone just didn't particularly sound that fun to her.

Even though she told herself that Adam was probably having fun and catching up with her friends, she still found herself glancing at the time more often than usual. She would unlock her phone, or glance at the clock that hung on her bedroom wall just for the sheer sake of knowing what time it is – as one would – but she found herself counting down the hours until Adam would be back.

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