12| Descry

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D e s c r y

(v.) catch sight of.


I want much more than this provincial life.

  – Belle, Beauty and the Beast 


"Reece, no – what the fuck are you doingno, I said sugar, not salt!"

"They look the same!"

"That's why you're supposed to taste test it, you idiot!"

Reece smiled sheepishly, folding his hands behind his back. "Oops."

"Reece!" Julian sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe we have been at the dry ingredients for almost an hour – we didn't even assemble the dough yet."

"This whole baking thing is hard, Jules," Reece's blue eyes squinted at the recipe that Julian messily scribbled down. "I mean what the fuck is 'vanilla extract' and what does 'fold the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients' even fucking mean?"

"They're not even culinary terms Reece, Jesus," Julian said, a grimace on his lips. "A human with a half working brain can understand it."

"Ross!" Reece hollered, watching as his little brother casually stood by the door frame. "What is vanilla extract?"

Ross was silent for a few seconds. "I think it's that dark brown thing that they put in cakes and things."

Julian smirked. Reece pursed his lips. He grabbed the recipe off the floured counter – he accidentally dropped the pack of flour and it got everywhere – and scanned it carefully. "Alright, what is –" He squinted his eyes, scowling at Julian's horrible handwriting. "– a hand-mixer?"

Ross shrugged. "Figure it out yourself Reece, I'm playing with Rosy. You know how she gets if you leave her halfway."

Reece nodded at Ross, watching as his little brother left. "Hand-mixer?" Reece shrieked quietly. "That sounds so sexual mate, what the fuck –"


It's been three days ever since Adam went on his coffee date with Antonelle, and she stopped replying to his messages.

Adam didn't jump to conclusions too quickly – She probably has homework to do, dummy – but when the second day arrived, and Belle didn't even read his message, Adam knew something was up.

It wasn't anything serious at first – Maybe she lost her phone, maybe she has no WiFi, maybe maybe maybe – but the more time passed, the less excuses Adam could come up with for her, and if he was being honest, Adam was deliberately making up these excuses more so for his own state of mind than for Antonelle.

But it was only a matter of time until Adam realised he royally fucked up.

His inner gut feeling was telling him that it was too early for a coffee date – She hasn't been out of the house for two years Adam, why would she start by seeing your face – but Adam instead, brushed it off with a smile on his face, thinking about what he needed to wear to strike a stunning first impression.

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