16| Daymare

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D a y m a r e 

(n.) a distressing experience, similar to a bad dream, occurring while one is awake.


Breathing is hard.

When you cry so much, it makes you realise that breathing is hard.

– David Levithman


I'm now posting character aesthetics on my wattpad instagram @/xxnadia_writesxx, so if you're interested, definitely follow me on there! I am so sorry for the late updates, I am finally done with exams, so expect frequent updates!

Enjoy xoxo


"Careful now," Adam said, wiping the corner of Chip's mouth with the sleeve of his sweater. "The tea's hot, so be careful."

Chip quirked an eyebrow at Adam. "I'm sure I would know if it's too hot, Adam."

Even though Mrs. Potts widened her eyes at her son, and angrily whispered Chip, behave, Adam couldn't help but crack a wide smile. "You're right," he said, laughing slightly. "I'm sure an adult like yourself would know that."

Chip nodded his head, taking another sip of his tea. "Exactly."

Adam raised an amused eyebrow at Chip, and if he did this right – if he immersed himself just precisely – then Adam could pretend that he was just having tea with a seven-year-old child. If Adam could pretend hard enough, then he could temporarily forget about everything that happened a few hours ago, and he knew it wasn't a lot to ask – god, how could it – but it just felt wrong.

Temporary never made sense to Adam, and more than anything, no matter how many times he looked at Mrs. Potts' soft eyes, or Chip's small smile, it all led to one thing – his mother.

She was never supposed to get dragged into this – she lived in another village for the god's sake – and Adam still couldn't process the fact that he saw his mother – his everything – down in the basement, and encased in a cage.

Adam remembered the day he left her, and right now – at this very moment – he regretted.

He never thought that this was what everything was going to come to – it was hard leaving his mother, but he did it for her – but now that everything has spiraled out of control, and now that his mother was back home – alone – Adam knew his end of the deal was sealed.

He saw it coming – of course he did – but Adam, never in his wildest dreams, would've thought his mother would get thrown amid this mess. Madame Sinclair played dirty – Adam was still disgusted by her – and more than anything – more than how shocking, enraged and disappointed Adam was – he was hurt.

To bring his mother into this, just for the sake of imprisoning him in her – that was a low blow, even for someone like Madame Sinclair. The entire situation was overwhelming, and Adam spent the first two hours silently crying in his new bedroom – which didn't make him feel any better – which he realized did him no good.

That was precisely why he was so grateful to have Chip and Mrs. Potts in his room now – he hated calling it his room, when it truly wasn't – as a distraction to the whirlwinds scattering his brain right now. Adam didn't even get to think of what is to happen to his apartment, and god, Reece, Julian, Alexander and Aladdin – what was he supposed to tell them – and his part time job, and god

Belle | #1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن