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Kouvoh's mind got block out after screaming Kharryl's name and witnessing how she receive that strong impact of the ball on her face, making her fall on the ground.

His heart hammered in solicitude, he immediately ran towards Kharryl. Kneeling on the grassy ground, "Binibini... can you hear me?" he slightly shake Kharryl's body but receive no response or even just a little movement.

He cursed, lifting himself and the unconscious woman.

Nejilda showed up with worried face, "call Laeioun, if he didn't pick up. Prepare my car so I could take her to the hospital" Kouvoh command.

He rushed back to the mansion and placed Kharryl on her bed. Nejilda barged in, announcing that Laeioun will arrive soon.

"thank you," he shift his gaze back to Kharryl who's still unconscious. Her ivory skin started to redden.

His hand extended to reach for her cheek. Tenderly stroking her swollen skin.

"You're must be in pain right now if you're awake," Kouvoh muttered.

After a few minutes of waiting, Laeioun arrived.

"What happened?" Laeioun exclaimed.

"I'll explain it to you after treating her..." Kouvoh stood up and step aside.

Laeioun signed and started to move so Kouvoh stepped out from Kharryl's room.
His friends are standing outside, waiting for him to say something about the woman's condition.

"How is she?" Rucco asked.

"Still unconscious," he replied.

"Jeo spiked the ball so hard" Rucco uttered again, pointing Jeo.

"come on, dude. It was just an accident" Jeo defended.

Kouvoh remained silent, waiting for Laeioun outside the room.

a short period of time passed and Laeioun stepped out from Kharryl's room.

"How is she?" Kouvoh asked.

"Still unconscious, can somebody tell me what happened?" it was Laeioun, eyeing all of them.

"well, we're playing volleyball on the field. She help the maids to serve our snacks then she was hit by the ball on her face..." Rucco explained.

Laeioun clicked his tongue five times while shaking his head, "poor little woman. She doesn't deserve that hit"

"Is she okay? I mean, I saw her face started to redden earlier" Kouvoh asked.

"I can't say that she is if she'll remain unconscious, her face began to swell. We need to take her to the hospital. Her nose might got broken or the hit was just too strong causing for a facial injury.I'll do the CT scan" Laeioun stated.

That's it, they took Kharryl to the hospital.

Kharryl woke up feeling little bit dizzy and pain on the left side of her face. She groaned when she felt it stings.

"binibini?" she heard Kouvoh's voice so she tried to open her eyes and there he is. Beside her, slightly bowing his head to check her.

"how are you feeling?"

"my..." she growled in pain when she tried to move her lips.

"what do you need? Are you in pain? Where?" Kouvoh began to panic.

she groaned again, so Kouvoh picked his phone and dialed Laeioun's number.

"Commander, Kharryl is awake and she's in pain. What do I need to do?" Kouvoh asked.

"Okay... I'll wait for you then" Kouvoh nod and end the call before turning back to her again.

"He'll be here and you'll be okay, don't worry" Kouvoh assures and smiled at her.

She groaned in response.

Good thing Laeioun arrived with a nurse.

"You're struggling with the left side of your face. Avoid moving your head, avoid speaking or moving your jaw for a while. Good thing your facial bones are not damaged. You have a cut on your lips and your skin are slowly turning back to normal. You'll be okay soon" Laeioun turned to Kouvoh, "keep applying an ice pack on the left side of her face every 1 to 2 hours for 10 to 15 minutes. It could prevent or minimize the swelling. For her cuts, she can use antiseptic cream like betadine. Apply it after cool compress" he explained.

"Noted, commander " Kouvoh replied.

Laeioun smiled at his husband before shifting his gaze back to Kharryl.

"I'll leave nurse Nova with you, she'll check your vital signs and you're ready to discharge" he bid his goodbye after that.

Nurse Nova smiled, "good afternoon Ms. Estorninos, is it okay for you if I take your vital signs?"

she shift her glance to Kouvoh, her spokesperson for today.

"she won't mind, you can start" Kouvoh permitted.

"I'll go with your temperature first," Nurse Nova pulled out a digital thermometer from her pocket. She cleaned the thermometer using the cotton.

"Can you raise your left arm a little?" she asked.

She didn't replied but obeyed. Nurse Nova checked her temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure and her breathing counts.

"Is it normal?" Kouvoh asked afterwards.

"Her body temperature is thirty six point five degree celsius, her pulse rate will be eighty beats per minute, her breathing counts will be sixteen breaths per minute, and for her blood pressure its one hundred over eighty millimeters of mercury. Therefore everything is normal " Nurse Nova explained and smiles at them after noting all of it on her chart and bidding her goodbye.

"Thank you," Kouvoh said to Nurse Nova before she could close the door. He turned back to her, "I'll go get your dress from Rucco so you could change your clothes. You can't go home wearing that hospital gown. Stay here, don't move. I'll be back" He said.

Kharryl remained staring at him. Kouvoh's phone rung, "where are you?" "Can you go upstairs? I can't leave her here alone-- what?" He sighed, "okay. I'll come and get it" He said, ending the call afterward.

"The guard won't let Rucco come in so I really have to go down and get your stuff" he explained.

She raised her thumb saying okay. Kouvoh remained standing, staring at her for a few second before stepping out from her room, running.

She can't help but to smile despite her wounded lips.

He cares for her...


Author's Note: Any comment for this chapter? Kindly drop it. Don't forget to vote. Highly appreciated.

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