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A|N: Hello everyone, I’m open for criticism.
If you see any grammatical, punctuation, or typographical problems, please feel free to correct me. Your opinions are greatly valued. Enjoy reading!


Tears began to welled up in Kharryl’s eyes. She felt the urge to run and cage the young boy in her arms, however, she is afraid that he wouldn’t like it.

She keep sniffing; trying to hold her tears. “Can I...” she hesitated. “,can I hug you?” she asked; almost a whisper.

South said nothing but he slightly nod his head as a response. She did not waste a second, she ran to him and kneeled down the cold tiles to level their faces.

Her son kept staring at her, not moving a bone. Kharryl lifted both of her trembling hands, cupping South’s cheek.

Kharryl let out a sob together with her tears. She cage the young boy in her arms.

She cried in happiness, realizing the reunion between them began. She silently thank God for listening to her prayer. He gave his answer that quick.

Her smile grew wider when she felt his small hand, awkwardly patting her back. She stayed like that for a moment.  Appreciating the span of warm embrace.

She felt South slightly move in her arms, so she stepped away. “You want me to stay?” Kharryl asked in disbelief and doubt.

“Don’t you want to?” South innocently asked.

Kharryl immediately shook her head, “I would love to, but I have some work to do.” her shoulder sagged together with her eyes.

South nods, “I understand...” he paused, “but can’t we come with you? We can wait for you while you’re working and I will be a good boy. I won’t bother you. I promise.” South added.

Kharryl turned her head sideway, locking her eyes with Kouvoh.

“I would love to have you around but the decision will still be finalize by your father.” Kharryl remarked when Kouvoh did not speak.

After hearing his name, he blinked his thoughts away; nodding in oblivion.
“Sure, I don’t have anything to do anyway.” Kouvoh agreed.

If not because of the distance, she would jump in joy and give him a hug.

or even a kiss. Her mind added.

Kharryl shook her thoughts away, turning her head back to South. “Finish your food and get change afterward.” Kharryl said, noticing his little shirt, soaking with sweats.

Looks like they went out for exercise. Kharryl said in her head.

She heard some footstep, Kharryl turned her head back to the doors’ direction. Kouvoh went out of the dining room, leaving her with his son. Alone.

“South?” Kharryl diverted her attention back to her son when Kouvoh vanished from her sight.

My son... Tears began to welled up in Kharryl’s eyes once again. She just claimed this young boy who’s quitely sitting before her.

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