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A|N: Hello everyone, I’m open for criticism.
If you see any grammatical, punctuation, or typographical problems, please feel free to correct me. Your opinions are greatly valued. Enjoy reading!


Kharryl got discharged from the hospital. Together with the baby and Nurse Nova, they went back to Laeioun’s vacation house. Speaking of Laeioun, after they settled the topic about South. He bid his goodbye.

“I have some important stuff to do so I must go back. But don't worry, once i’m done, I’ll be back to visit again. Take a good care of him.” She remembered his last words before they parted.

Kharryl came back to her senses when Nurse Nova snapped before her face, she blinked her thoughts away, “He’s asleep, you can put him inside the crib now.” Nurse Nova said, eyeing little South who's sleeping peacefully in her arms.

She can't feel her arms and fingers so she decided to gently place the baby back to his crib. The smile never fade from Kharryl’s face everytime her eyes settled on the baby. She just can’t get enough with his beautiful angelic face.

“Don’t be too attached... It would be hard for you to let him go when the time comes.” she heard Nurse Nova’s voice again.

Her smile instantly vanished after hearing that statement. Kharryl turned to face the Nurse. “I don't really care what will happen tomorrow. I don't really care what will happen the day after it. What I care and think about is what I have right now. Because no one can tell if what we have today will still be right there for us tomorrow. So why limiting yourself right?” Kharryl pointed out.

Letting go for the second time is a heartrending choice but Kharryl would probably bear that.


Kouvoh’s been pacing back and forth with his hammering heartbeat. He received a text message from Laeioun three hours ago, saying that Kharryl delivered the baby safely. He is happy and hyperexcited to see them again.

“Son, stay put will you?” Alfiana asked. Tired of hearing Kourah’s complain about his actions.

Kouvoh sighed and occupied a single sofa, “will they come home after Kharryl got discharged?” Kouvoh asked, keeping the faith that he would see Kharryl again, but this time, she's holding his baby.

“No one can tell, son.” Alfiana replied.

“I wish they will...” Kouvoh murmured, enough for them to hear.

Kourah sighed, “what’s your plan now that the baby will step in the frame?” his mother asked.

Kouvoh laid his back on the backrest while both of his arms are resting on the armrest, “making me chose between Kharryl and Laeioun while i’m still in my unstable condition of mind is really hard. Everyday, I would ask myself whom should I chose? What should I do to avoid hurting any of the two? Those days were torture. Imagine, waking up in the morning with questions in your head and sleeping at night with the same unanswered inquiry? It feels like hell.” Kouvoh shook his head, shaking that feeling away.

“That doesn’t answer my question, son.” Kourah said.

“well, the situation is complicated, mom. I haven't decided yet.”

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