Part 3 Chapter 1 The Arrival

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Trevat POV

I saw on the monitor screen that was providing the live feed of the probe, that colorful waves were coming rapidly towards Terminus. Time is up. Fear surrounds me.

Someone yelled, "10 seconds until impact, increase the shield generator's output to overload."

Visible on the monitor screen, the waves reach the probe, and the monitor turns to static before switching to the image showing waves from the side. The waves are getting closer and closer to the planet. Soon...

Seen on the monitor, the waves reach the shield in orbit. You can see the Cherenkov waves emitted by the shield hit by the waves. The shield appears to be able to hang on.

Oh no, in just a few seconds, the shield failed and there was an explosion from the generator in orbit. It's hard to see what's going on because the waves are already covering the terminus. Oh, the planetary shield seems to be holding up. The Cherenkov waves emitted by the shield seem to cover the planet. The end of the wave is near...

Oh noooooo. The planetary shield failed. Visible on the monitor, the wave is touching the planet Terminus. Huge chunks of the planet seemed to scatter and disappear as they were moved somewhere. It happened so fast, it was almost invisible. Colorful light enveloped everything. I could no longer see the monitor and my surroundings. This is the end...




It felt like a long time since the colorful light enveloped me, but eventually the light dimmed and turned into a white light. Is this in the afterlife? But the white light also soon dimmed, and I was able to see the surroundings. It's very strange. Everyone stays in place. I saw in the bridge window that the ships also remained in formation. Below are also the planets. Even though I saw the planet Terminus falling apart, However, the monitor does not display the image unless it is static. Is this a dream or a fantasy?

Everyone seemed to be frozen in place, trying to process what was happening. However, someone seemed to have recovered and shouted "Status report."

A crew member replied, "No damage, shield system at 53%."

We made it!!!

Immediately, I said, "Status on all ships and cities."

One of the crew replied, "Wait a minute."

"There was no damage to all ships, installations, and towns." But we get strange readings of the planets. It looks like the planet isn't Terminus. "

"How could that be?" was my answer.

"The diameter of the planet is different; it's much bigger, 31,855 km. There are significant differences in the topology of the planets. Also, this planet has 2 moons of quite a large size. This is definitely not Terminus. "

Another crew member continued, "Somehow, we were transported here, and the land protected by the theater shield merged with the planet below."

"Does this planet have inhabitants?" I asked.

Another crew member replied, "Yes sir, there are a lot of residents." I detected the presence of a human

"Check where we are now. With humans, we should be close to other systems that have been colonized," I continued.

The question was quickly answered by the crew of the navigation section, "The place cannot be determined, sir." There is no navigation point that matches our database. I don't think we're in our galaxy anymore and we're in a galaxy very far away, because if it's in a nearby galaxy, there are at least some navigational points that we can recognize.

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