Part 8 Chapter 11

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Ragna, Industrial Sector.
5.00 a.m.

Ragna's industrial sector is located on its outskirts, facing the sea, making it easy to access the harbor. Because Gra Valkas is at war, many industries are open 24 hours a day, so the industrial sector in Ragna is never quiet. Trucks constantly traverse the streets, and the factories glow brightly due to their constant activity.

Ragna's active industrial sector allows for clear visibility from a great distance, as the sky glows with light from below. This allowed the Mu Empire's planes to use it to navigate their aircraft with ease.

Nearly 60 B-1s from the Mu Empire attacked the Ragna industrial sector. Each plane carried 12 200 kg bombs reinforced with magic dust. In addition, they carried a pair of FFAR tubes containing 11 rockets. Since the attack took place at night, knowing that the Gra Valkas did not have night interception capabilities, the Mu Empire B-1s did not carry AA missiles.

The Mu Empire planes targeted every industry that looked active and bright with lights on. Each factory was attacked by an aircraft. Therefore, each factory was rained down by 12 bombs, each bomb equivalent to a 500kg HE bomb. As a result, the factories were destroyed, and flammable objects in the factories were ignited by the bombs, causing widespread fires in the factories. Workers inside the factories also had no chance to escape before the bombs rained down on them. Most of them became victims, either directly hit by the bomb blast, hit by the rubble of the building, or surrounded by the fire from the bombing.

Again, the Mu Empire deliberately targeted fire stations in the industrial sector of Ragna and its surroundings. This resulted in the spread of fires and damage towards warehouses and dormant industries, as the fires dispersed widely and the explosion fragments scattered everywhere, causing damage to everything in their path. Moreover, because the local electricity distribution station was also attacked, power was lost throughout the sector, and many fire pumps were unable to function. Furthermore, many of the remaining firefighters were still busy heading towards the Ragna harbor area, making it impossible to redirect them towards the Ragna industrial sector.

By the time Mu Empire's planes departed from Ragna's industrial sector, flames had consumed the entire area. The people in all the factories were busy trying to save themselves.


City of Alchor, 80 km south of Ragna
5.00 a.m.

In the morning, the harbor in the town of Alchor was very quiet. Even so, there were many ships in the harbour, mostly military ships that would later depart for Leifor to transport Gra Valkas troops. There were also a number of combat ships that would later escort the transport ships to Leifor. In addition, there were nearly 100 thousand troops and equipment that would later be dispatched to Leifor, transported by these ships.

Unfortunately, because it was a small city, it did not have its own early warning radar. Ragna's radar network, due to its proximity, provided them with early warning. Ragna's destruction of its entire early warning radar network left Alchor without any warning.

The military in Alcor was completely unaware of the arrival of the Mu Empire bombers.

The powerful explosions of the AS-1 missiles woke up the city of Alchor, especially those in the harbor. Even the arrival of the missiles went completely unnoticed by the military and residents of Alchor.

More than 100 missiles struck the ships in Alchor's harbor. Currently in the harbour, there are about 40 transport ships, both passenger and freight. In addition, there are 20 warships, most of which are destroyers, with only 2 cruisers, 1 Orion-class battleship, and 1 Cygnus-class aircraft carrier. None of the military vessels are in combat-ready condition, all of them are manned by skeleton crews. There were only two escort destroyers patrolling the mouth of the harbour in charge of guarding the harbour. The Mu Empire's missiles struck the two escort destroyers first. Two missiles struck each of the escort destroyers. As a result, the two destroyers sank quickly, unable to survive because they had no armour, and the width of the ship was also not much, causing the explosion to almost reach the centre of the ship. Of course, it caused the incoming seawater to easily flood all parts of the ship and accelerate the sinking. A missile struck the main magazine of one ship, triggering a powerful secondary explosion.

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