Part 7 Chapter 15

846 32 23

30 km north of Erde city
10 AM

The Gra Valkas army that attacked Erde city from the direction of Leigor's capital, Leiforia, was approaching Erde city. The Mu Empire air force constantly attacked Gra Valkas troops. The result was the same as the troops attacking from the south, they were exhausted from almost 24 hours of battle. However, the advantage of the troops attacking from the north was that there were no Mu Empire troops attacking from the rear, and the troops could always be resupplied even if most of the supplies were lost due to attacks by Mu Empire aircraft.

Similarly, although the casualties were very high, they were able to slowly replace the lost forces because the route to Gra Valkas' power center, Leiforia, in Leifor was still open.
Since the morning, the Mu Empire troops have carried out hit-and-run attacks followed by aerial attacks that have hampered the movement of the Gra Valkas troops. But slowly but surely, the Gra Valkas troops continued to advance towards the city of Erde. The Mu Empire troops also knew that, so they continued to strengthen their defenses on the north side of the city before the enemy troops arrived. They used a delaying tactic so that the attacks from the north and south did not happen at once in the city of Erde.

After the defeat of Gra Valkas' troops in the south of Erde city, most of the troops in the south were immediately moved to the north. Similarly, the newly arrived Field Army C was positioned in the north to make a breakthrough in the enemy forces if possible. The Mu Empire was anxiously awaiting the arrival of Field Army A and B, as the arrival of the two groups would cause them to have enough strength to break the enemy and make a breakthrough or counterattack towards Leiforia.

The 76mm caliber cannons that the Mu Empire had were all placed on the front line so that they would be able to bombard the enemy when they reached a distance of 20km from Erde. However, vehicles to pull the cannons to the back line were also prepared, so that if the enemy could later approach the position of the cannons, then they could move them to a safe place near the city of Erde.

The hit-and-run attacks from the Mu Empire troops took the toll of almost half a division of Gra Valkas, plus each attack caused a choke point that made the follow-up airstrikes from the Mu Empire very deadly. The combination of the two attacks had already caused Gra Valkas to lose the equivalent of nearly two divisions, as well as a large number of tanks and combat vehicles. But the attacks also took their toll on the Mu Empire's side. Almost one company from the Mu Empire fell victim to the Gra Valkas.

Eventually, Gra Valkas' troops reached the range of the Mu Empire's field artillery. Not only were they harassed by hit-and-run attacks and air attacks, but they also received almost continuous field artillery attacks from the Mu Empire. This caused the pace of the Gra Valkas army to slow down.

In the end, the schedule of the Gra Valkas attack was so delayed that at dusk, they were still about 15 km away from Erde. The almost continuous explosion of mines caused the Gra Valkas troop leader to conclude that the road from where they were to the city of Erde was filled with mines, so an attack at night was really not possible. In the end, they stopped at that place, and although they could not set up tents, the Gra Valkas troops tried to rest.
The Mu Empire troops' artillery, air, and small attacks kept the Gra Valkasi troops from sleeping for almost the entire night. It was enough to cause the already exhausted Gra Valkas troops to be unable to rest and become even more exhausted at dawn.


10 km from Leiforia, the capital of Leifor
Leiforia military complex.
12:00 noon.

Leiforia military base is a military base that was once used by the Leifor army to protect their capital. It is currently used as the headquarters of the Gra Valkas forces in Leifor. However, most of their top leaders were based in the former Leifor defense ministry building in the capital Laifor itself,because it had better facilities and was not far away.

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