Part 6 Chapter 18

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2 weeks later.
Star System K17T

The 10th Defense Fleet, which currently consists of 3 battlestars, 2 dreadnought heavy cruisers, 1 interdictor cruiser, 8 Concordat destroyers, and 18 K'tinga attack cruisers, is tasked with maintaining the security of Star System K17T. In addition, there are also ships from the system defense fleet in the form of 3 CR-90 Corvettes and 8 K'tinga that help in securing the system.

The ships securing Star System K17T were spread throughout the system except for the heavy-class ships, namely the three battlestars, two dreadnoughts, 1 interdictor cruiser, four Concordat destroyers, and six K'tinga attack cruisers, which remained gathered together as heavy backup. While the other ships were spread throughout the system, four Concordat destroyers secured the four most strategic planets in star system K17T, while the rest spread out to patrol the entire system. The heavy ships were in langerange orbit around the 7th planet.

Admiral Fremsa was in the command center of Battlestar Gemini, which was currently the flagship of the 10th Defense Fleet. It had been more than two weeks since the 10th Defense Fleet had patrolled Star System K17T, and nothing out of the ordinary had been found. This made the crew of the 10th Defense Fleet and the ships of the System Defense Fleet bored. In an hour, Admiral Fremsa would be finished with his shift and would be replaced by his deputy, Commodore Keduina, who would be arriving at the command center shortly.

"What's the condition?" asked Fremsa to confirm the condition of the system before he took a break.

"There are no anomalies that our ships, probes, or the atomic space station can detect." The sensor officer said.

"Hmm, these conditions are quickly causing us to become bored and possibly make mistakes. We must change the crew rotation schedule and also conduct various drills to keep the crew sharp." Fremsa said.

"That's right, it's becoming very boring and repetitive." Said the XO who accompanied Fremsa.

"But we must remain vigilant because our enemies are very difficult to detect with ordinary sensors. We can only detect them with gravity sensors." Fremsa said.

A few minutes later, the captain of the 'Gemini' arrived at the command center and would later replace the XO. Apart from the captain, several other crew members began to arrive for the shift change that would occur in about half an hour. The command center seemed more crowded than usual. The officers and crew members who had arrived began conversing with those they would be replacing, inquiring about the current status while looking at logs.

In the midst of the murmur of crew conversations during the shift change, the sensor and communications officer suddenly went on alert.

"Captain! The probe near planet 8 has detected a gravimetric disturbance!" said the sensor officer.

"What? Does that probe have visual capabilities?" said Fremsa.

"It does, admiral. I'll point the camera in the direction of the disturbance." The sensor officer said.

The main viewer in front of the command center changed from displaying the map of the system to the feed from the camera on the probe. Several dots appeared in the center of the screen.

"Magnify!" Fremsa ordered.

The dots were enlarged so that the silhouettes of several ships could be seen. There appeared to be six ships on the screen. They were the same ships that attacked the 'Macross'!

"Red Alert! Alert all commands. Transmit this to Elysia!" said Fremsa.

"Launch all available standby fighters, ready all fighters for immediate deployment!" said the captain of the 'Gemini'.

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