Part 8 Chapter 12

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15 km off the coast of Lendam
Operation 'Tsunami' flagship, Battleship 'La Centauri'
4.00 a.m.

At 3 a.m., Admiral Hiriem was already on the bridge of 'La Centauri' with his tactical officers. They once again checked the readiness to conduct amphibious operations while waiting for the results of both the assault on the Leifor-Mu Empire border and the assault using paratroopers on strategic points around Lendam.

They were currently taking a short break while drinking coffee to relieve fatigue and drowsiness.

"It seems that all our preparations are ready, huh?" said Admiral Hiriem.

"Admiral, all preparations on our side are ready. We are at -30 minutes to launch the attack. We are just waiting for the results of the other parts of Operation 'Tsunami." Major Sabas, Admiral Hiriem's chief tactician, spoke.

"Our aircraft are also ready to take off from their carriers." Said the XO of 'La Centuri'

"Good, hopefully the other elements will do well. Is there any initial news of the attack elements?" asked Admiral Hiriem.

"Lastly, we have reports that the assault on the Leifor-MMu Empire border has begun with artillery and aerial bombardment." Additionally, all strategic targets in northern Leifor have been subject to bombing. We don't know the results of the attack with the paratroopers yet because they have strict radio silence." Said the XO of 'La Century'.

"Then what are results?" asked Admiral Hiriem.

"It seems that the enemy was surprised that we started the attack so early in the morning. There was no significant resistance to the ground assault on the Leifor-Mu Empire border. Also, of course, no Gra Valkas aircraft intercepted our bombers," said the XO.

"I can imagine their surprise. According to their technology level, they are still not very capable of night combat," said a tactition.

"Right, we are doing this to be able to gain the initiative in our battle this time," said Admiral Hiriem.

"According to the schedule, we will get a go/no go signal in 15-20 minutes, according to the news of the attacks," said Major Sabas.

"Good. Keep me posted for all updates," said Admiral Hiriem. "Let's review our preparations and plans."

"Yes, admiral," replied Major Sabas.

They went back to discussing the preparations for the attack that morning.


Trant City, 15 km from the coast of Lendam
3.00 a.m.

Trant Town is a small town inhabited by about 500 people. In addition, there was a guard post of Gra Valkas that contained about 30 soldiers. If the Mu Empire troops attacked Lendam and began to enter Leifor's interior, they were in charge of holding and reporting. All of their heavy weaponry, in the form of heavy machine guns and several small calibre cannons, was directed towards the coast. Similarly, almost all of the soldiers were manned by those weapons. There were only 4 people, divided into 2 teams, patrolling around Trent.

Although it was still early in the morning, half of the Gra Valkas soldiers were already manning their heavy weapons. This was due to the anticipation of the Mu Empire's impending attack. The other half of the soldiers were resting, some were sleeping, but they were not far from the heavy weapons, and they were resting with their rifles ready to fire.
Suddenly, there was the sound of many aeroplanes passing over the sky. However, the sky was so dark that it was impossible to see the planes. The sound of the aeroplane was only heard for about 5 minutes and then disappeared again.

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