Part 8 Chapter 9

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Radar Station
20 km north of Ragna

Dawn is still almost an hour away. But this is the time of day when the temptation of sleepiness is greatest because you're tired of not sleeping all night. This is also the case for the radar operators at a radar station 20 kilometers north of Ragna that guards the capital and coastal areas north of Ragna. Despite the night shift, the radar station remains fully manned, with 6 radar operators, 4 technicians, 2 map-plotting staff, and a shift leader in attendance. In addition, there are 16 soldiers guarding the compound, plus a 3-man security force securing the inside of the radar building. In general, the radar installation is well defended and well staffed.

Currently, out of 6 radar operators, 3 are on duty, while the other 3 are resting. Of the 4 technicians, only 1 is on duty, the rest are resting. Meanwhile, only one of the plotter staff was at the plotter table, while the other was asleep in a chair.

Suddenly, a radar officer spoke loudly, startling his colleagues in the room.

"Something is closing fast! Take a look at your radar, bearing 107. What do you see?" the radar officer said.

"I don't see anything." Another radar officer said this after adjusting his radar screen.

"It's nowhere to be seen. I saw something approaching quickly, but after a few seconds, it moved away again quickly. But what I saw was a weak blip heading this way." The first radar officer spoke.

"Wait a minute... I saw it too. It's very weak and hard to detect. It's only visible once in a while. It's moving quickly towards us!" said the second radar officer.

"We are now detecting two objects approaching rapidly from the same direction. It appears to be an airplane!" said the first officer.

"Sound general quarters! Focus our radar on the approaching objects!" said the shift leader.

Alarms blared at the radar installation. However, a few seconds later, something suddenly hit the radar antenna, which was currently outputting maximum power to detect the approaching object, and exploded, destroying the entire antenna building. The object was an anti-radiation missile fired by the Mu Empire's aircraft.

Soon two B-1 bombers from the Mu Empire approached and began launching FFARs at all the buildings in the radar installation. The two aircraft released several bombs as they passed over the radar installation area. The explosions from the bombs devastated the radar installation. There were no survivors in the attack, and the attack was so fast that the radar installation did not have time to send an alert to the command center.

The same thing happened to all the radar installations around Ragna.


Ragna military airfield
4:30 a.m.

On the outskirts of Ragna, there was a large military airfield. It also served as the field headquarters for the Gra Valkas Air Force. The airfield was large because, in addition to housing many active military aircraft and serving as one of the main military bases, it also served as a bone yard for inactive military aircraft, either stored for future use or in the recycling and dismantling process. In addition, the military airfield also serves as one of the air force's special forces headquarters.

Because of the separation between military and civilian airfields in Ragna, at half past five, there is still not much activity at the airfield. Most of the activity was in the military barracks on the outskirts of the military airfield, which were beginning to stir with their morning activities.

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