Part 7 Chapter 14

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Holy Mirishial Empire, Port Town, Cartalpas.
The Imperial Cultural Center.
9:00 a.m.
Day 4 of the meeting

The delegates from nine countries in Elysia have reassembled at the Imperial Cultural Center to continue the 11th country conference meeting. Today's meeting was the 2nd day technical meeting to discuss the technical cooperation in facing the Gra Valkas Empire.

"At this time, the 2nd day of working-level meetings for military cooperation to face the Gra Valkas Empire at the eleven-country leadership conference will now commence." At the coordinator's words, the meeting began.

"We would like to make an announcement and also ask for your opinion. As you know, the Annorial Empire has suddenly dropped out of the eleven-country conference. We will provide evidence that they committed treason. We have evidence that they are actually much stronger and more modern than they appear." The ambassador of HME, Shiwaf, said this as he ordered his staff to distribute an envelope containing copies of the photos they got from the tablet reader device that came from the Myto Empire.

The whole room was buzzing with conversation between the ambassadors after seeing the photos. Ambassador Gravit from the Myto Empire was also chatting with his staff. This was because this incident was an unintended consequence of providing information to HME in the form of digital books.

"Where do you have this information?" an ambassador asked amidst the crowd discussing the photos.

"We got it from the Myto Empire. For that, we thank and apologize to Myto Empire because we used the information we got from Myto Empire." Ambassador Shiwaf said.

Ambassador Gravit only nodded at that.

After some time, the meeting coordinator finally tapped his hammer to quiet the room.

"We also have a proposal, we want a limited transfer of military technology in preparation for Gra Valkas and eventually for the Revernal Empire. We hope that each country can provide unique technologies to be exchanged with other countries." Ambassador Shiwaf said.

Again, the room was filled with the sound of discussion between ambassadors. This proposal would greatly benefit the 3rd civilization countries and below. But they also became nervous because they had to give something in return, and they didn't have much to exchange with the 1st and 2nd civilizations. All that exists is state secrets, because only with that can they maintain their status as superpowers. But they also didn't want to miss the opportunity because their military capabilities would be greatly improved.

They spent almost the whole day discussing it. Many countries were forced to return to their lodgings to be able to use the manacomm they brought to consult with their countries. But in the end, after dinner, they can all agree on the technology that can be shared.

Most of the 3rd and 4th civilization countries gave one secret magic that they had researched from the Revernal Empire. That magics had not been studied by HME, and it caused a shock to HME. Mu Empire and Myto Empire provided the design of bolt-action rifles and also 7.62mm submachine guns, which were the same bullet type. In addition, designs for steam trains were also provided for all countries to use.

All countries were satisfied with this exchange of technology. It was agreed that every six months, a regular low-level meeting would be held to exchange technology or discuss the impact of the application of the technology that had been provided.

Finally, due to fatigue and because it is already very late, the 4th day of the meeting was closed. Thus ended the 11th country conference on day 4.


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