Part 5 Chapter 5

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Terminus Island, Jakarta.

Central government building.

Conference Room.

A limited Myto Leader Meeting.

The meeting was attended by:

- Admiral Ira Ishil, commander of the 3rd Defense Fleet
- Admiral Krumbel Kasheef, commander of the 1st Exploration Fleet
- Admiral Haskot Himlow, commander of the 2nd Exploration Fleet
- General Famla Adil, leader of special forces and intelligence Myto
- General Armeda Krakov, chief security system
- Chief Secretary Arkev Huis
- Dr. Anen Druma, head of the Myto Science Institute
- Kandar Hina, Myto industry leader
- Director Trazi Kimla head of the Myto diplomatic corps.

Meeting chaired by Moff Trevat.

The meeting discussed the development of deep space exploration and diplomatic missions.

After the opening of the meeting, Moff Trevat asked, "How is our diplomatic mission in the Mu Empire going? This is important because the Mu Empire is a country that is not based on magic and should be more compatible with us. Besides that, it is advanced enough to understand the basics of science that we can offer."

"In general, the progress is very good. In fact, they want to quickly pursue a defense pact with us. This shows their seriousness in being able to open diplomatic relations with us." Director Trazi replied.

"Besides that, from the information of various countries, the Mu Empire is a pacifist country. It has never fought a war to expand its territory for a very long time. However, their military capabilities are still one of the best in Elysia." continued Admiral Ira.

"We need a country that can be trusted to be used as a second stronghold in Elysia. That country must be able to raise its technological level to be the best in Elysia except for us. The countries in Rodenius could not be expected because their technology level was too low and their education too low. It takes a very long time to understand the science that we offer." Trevat said.

"Can we agree that the Mu Empire can become such a country? Of course, the level of technology provided is way below ours." asked Trevat further.

After discussing it for a while, everyone agreed to significantly upgrade the Mu Empire's science.

After that, a new meeting was continued to discuss various other matters. The results of the meeting were:

In the field of deep space exploration.

- New 500 light-year radius mapping is 60% complete. No more M-class planets have been found. However, careful examination of the goldilocks zone continues. This causes delays in mapping because of the large number of star systems that must be checked.

- Found 18 branches of a large hyperlane. The mapping of the hyperlane is also experiencing delays because the area around the hyperlane must also be mapped so that the hyper jump can be carried out safely. The vastness of the area to be mapped makes all these mapping efforts very slow.

- Moff Trevat orders to increase production of probe droids to speed up mapping. All existing production capacity is used to manufacture the probe droid. For the time being, the production of military starships will be reduced significantly. This includes stopping upgrades of existing star ships.

- All M class artificial planets that have been found have been outposted and protected by the Golan Defense Platform. But apart from Trantor, which already has many cities, only Helicon has started to build cities and public facilities. The cities were named Manila, Davao, and Calaca. The total population in the new Helicon is 50,000 residents.

Galactic Empire in New WorldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora