Part 6 Chapter 20

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Star System TC72D
Mobile Factory satellite 'Liberty'

Currently, 'Liberty' is gradually producing a large number of starships. But what is even better is that 'Liberty' is no longer transmitting signals to one of the bunkers in 'Asgard'. This shows that the crew of the 'Liberty' has successfully eliminated or at least greatly reduced the hidden transmitter on the 'Liberty'.

General Kalexi was in the command center of 'Liberty'. For 2 days, he was observing whether there were still unknown transmissions from 'Liberty'.

"Report, are there any more unknown transmissions from 'Liberty'?" asked Kalexi.

"None, General. The probe droid has not found any unknown transmissions from "Liberty" since I last reported six hours ago. That means there have been no unknown transmissions from the 'Liberty' for over two days since we last silenced the transmitter." The sensor officer said.

"Hmm, alright. Then it's time for us to explore the bunkers. Order our troops to sever the connection between the transmitting antennas and inside those bunkers. If within 6 hours after we turn off the antenna from the bunkers there is no signal from the bunkers, then order our exploration team to prepare to explore the bunkers." Kalexi said.

"Yes General." The communications officer said.




The next day
Planet 'Asgard'

The entrance to Iote's mysterious underground facility.

On the planet Asgard, it has been detected that there are 32 bunkers located underground. All bunkers are tightly sealed, but of the 32, eight no longer emit energy emissions, indicating that the bunker is no longer functioning. One of the bunkers is the center where all telemetry signals from 'Liberty' and several other stations are routed. 'Liberty' itself was also a relay to which all active stations and facilities in Star System TC72D were transmitted. The investigation showed that the signals were forwarded to the mysterious bunker.

The bunker was relatively the same shape: a cylinder with a height of 150 meters and a diameter of 50 meters. There was a structure that appeared to be water storage at the bottom of the cylinder. There was also an additional structure next to the cylinder—a smaller cylinder measuring 25 meters high and 10 meters wide—that was the center of energy emissions. It appears to be the center of the power generation system. In addition, each bunker has several additional structures that are not the same for each bunker.

Currently, the Myto Empire has decided to explore all 24 active bunkers simultaneously. An attack cruiser is in orbit above each bunker to be explored to destroy the bunker if necessary.
Each bunker will be explored using a combination of dark troopers, droids, and humans. There are 200 dark troopers, 50 astromech droids, 10 protocol droids, 20 sentry droids, 20 stormtroopers, and 50 people from various fields to explore each bunker. Each team was led by a military captain.

Bunker no. 16 (number given by the Myto Empire) was the bunker that was the center of telemetry reception for the entire Star system TC72D. It has the most additional structures compared to other bunkers. In addition to the additional structures that all bunkers have, there is an additional cylinder next to the main cylinder that measures 50 meters high and 15 meters wide. In addition, there is a large cave next to the water storage facility that also contains many additional structures. The cave is a massive, horizontal half-cylinder whose highest point is 30 meters high and whose length to its smallest end reaches 300 meters. In addition, from the scans, there were still small artificial pathways under the massive cave, like a maze or a mine, many of which ended in a kind of small rectangular bunker whose largest size was 30 meters x 20 meters x 10 meters. Sort of a very big complex.

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