Part 8 Chapter 4

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Star System K17T, 102 light years from Elysia
Edge of the Oort Cloud

The second enemy fleet had fully arrived at Star System K17T. The fleet consisted of 881 ships, mostly unmanned ships. There were less than 150 ships with known lifeforms. Even so, the number far exceeded that of the 10th Defence Fleet.

From battlestars and Concordat destroyers, reserve TIE Attackers and automated fighter drones were launched immediately. However, less than 200 TIE Attackers were available, and less than 1000 AD-1s could engage the enemy fleet. In addition, 48 TIE Nova Bombers broke away from the attack on the main fleet and moved to attack the second fleet. These 48 TIE Novas separate into two groups, where one group of 24 TIE Novas moves and will attack from the 'top' direction of the enemy fleet, the rest will attack from the 'bottom' of the enemy fleet. Both groups moved on a parabolic trajectory.

As the distance was directly at the extreme range of the turbolasers, all the ships of the 10th Defence Fleet assigned to engage the second enemy fleet immediately fired their turbolasers. But since they were still in the process of rotating, they could not fire their superlasers yet. Automated space stations also started firing their turbolasers.

All the AD-1 automated fighter drones immediately moved towards the enemy ships. They manoeuvred like dancing to avoid the enemy's fire. When they were halfway there, all AD-1s fired one concussion missile at the enemy fleet, aimed at the leading edge ships of the enemy fleet. This was followed by proton torpedo fire from the TIE Attacker that was still behind the AD-1s. The result was that almost all the ships on the leading edge of the enemy fleet were hit by the concussion missiles, although more than half of the missiles were shot down. As a result, they were blinded in terms of sensors to be able to shoot the proton torpedoes that came afterwards. More than 20 enemy unmanned ships became casualties and were destroyed instantly. In addition, many suffered damage.

The enemy also immediately reached the extreme range of its weapons. A rain of purple light hit the ships of the 10th Defence Fleet. Due to the long distance, most of them were avoided, but some hit the enemy. Some shots also hit the ships of the 10th defence fleet that were still facing the first fleet. Unfortunately, there were two attack cruisers that were still facing the first fleet that couldn't dodge the attacks from the side and were hit by multiple hits. Due to its shield-disrupting nature and the attack cruiser's weakest shield due to its size, it only takes three consecutive shots to hit its shield to make it go down. As a result, the next shots directly hit the hulls of both attack cruisers, and the attack cruisers exploded spectacularly as a result.




Victory Class Star Destoyer, 'White Elephant'
Command Bridge.

"We can't survive like this. Order the TIE Attacker and AD-1 to fire more missiles and torpedoes. All ships facing the second enemy fleet fire a quarter of the ship to ship missiles." Admiral Fremsa ordered.

"Yes, admiral." The XO of the 'White Elephant' said.

"Where are our other ships?" said Captain Eldris.

No one answered that question.




From the VLS tubes of the ships of the 10th defence fleet, a large number of blue balls were seen moving away from the ships of the 10th defence fleet and then rotating towards the ships of the second fleet of the enemy. The blue spheres are the exhaust of the ion engine that powers the AS-1 anti-ship missile. In addition, the AD-1 automated fighter drone that was already close to the enemy fleet fired the remaining concussion missiles, followed by proton torpedo fire from the TIE Attacker. Each TIE Attacker fired two proton torpedoes.

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