Part 7 Chapter 4 Battle of Western Islands

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Holy Mirishial Empire, Port Town, Cartalpas.
The Imperial Cultural Center.

"Zeroth Fleet is engaged in battle!" said a staff member who had just entered the dining hall in front of the three ambassadors from the Mu Empire, Myto Empire, and HME.

"What? Who are they fighting with?" asked Shiwaf.

"At the time of receiving this news, it is not yet known. But it seems to be Gra Valkas." The staff said.

"They have already attacked Cartalpas! Western Island is close to Cartalpas!" said Shiwaf.
Ambassador Mugei took out a small communication device. It was a simple walkie-talkie that allowed him to communicate with his staff in the room.

"Order our fleet to assist the HME's 0th Magic Fleet on Western Island!" Mugei ordered his staff through the walkie-talkie.

"Mr. Ambassador, may we station our aircraft carrier near your fleet while our fleet is away? We don't have enough military assets here to protect our carriers." Mugei asked Gravit.

"Of course you may, sir." Gravit said as he opened his comms to report the matter.

Ambassador Mugei ordered a number of things through his walkie-talkie, while Ambassador Shiwaf also spoke with his staff.


A few tens of minutes before that
Central World, Holy Mirishial Empire.
Western islands.
0th Magic Fleet

Mirishial's 0th magic fleet was currently out training in the Western Islands that is a part of Magdola Archipalago near Cartalpas. In some parts of these waters, visibility was very bad. There were three magic warships, two armored cruisers, three magic gunboats, and eight other accompanying ships—a fleet of sixteen. This was the grand fleet said to have no equal in this world, and they made great efforts to maintain their high standards through training exercises that closely resembled live combat. But actually, this exercise was the reason for stationing the 0th fleet near Cartalpas in an effort to protect Cartalpas.




Inside the control center of the flagship of the 0th Magic Fleet...

"Huh?" said the magic detector operator, who noticed many human-level signals coming from the ocean and quickly closing in on their location.

If these were Mu's mechanical ships, that would explain why stronger signals didn't appear on the magic detector. With all those signals gathered together and moving at high speeds, he was convinced that this was some kind of attack. He quickly called it in to his superiors.

"Objects on the detector! From the north, closing in fast, I think they're Mu's mechanical ships! Twenty-seven knots, sixty kilometers away, my guess based on the signals is two warships, three heavy cruisers, two light cruisers, five smaller ships—a total of twelve enemy ships approaching our fleet! Ah, now they've accelerated to twenty-nine knots!!!" the magic detector operator reports to the XO.

"What did you say?! Twenty-nine knots?! Mu shouldn't be able to reach that speed... meaning... is it Gra Valkas? All hands, man, battle stations! All hands, battle stations! An unknown fleet is approaching! This is not a drill!!! I repeat: This is NOT a drill!!!" said the XO while pressing the battlestation klaxon button.

The Holy Mirishial Empire's 0th magic fleet, lauded as the strongest fleet in the world, hurried to prepare for hostilities with an unknown group.

Above decks, the warning alarm wailed in the middle of the fleet's training. They had detected an unknown fleet closing in on their position, so everyone hurried to prepare for combat.

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