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Khushi's steps halted after listening to Arnav announcing as RM being his house. Not only her each and everyone was surprised looking at the new chote that they had never seen before.

Chote...what do you mean? Don't I have any say in the house now that you are married? asked Anjali tearfully.

"You have every right in RM di...but there is a line where you need to know when you can't push me no matter what. Sheetal is my ex-girlfriend and now my employee. I don't want her to behave so casually with my family members for all sorts of reasons. I am married now, I have already a lot of things going on in my marriage life, please don't add another misery on top of that ". Arnav said glancing at Khushi who stood on the stairs.

"Leave all that Anjali Bitiya, Manorama will be going to the USA  day after tomorrow, so why don't we go and help her in packing? Also you can ask her to get some things for your rajkumari" Nani said to her favorite grandchild not bothering to correct her and her blunder that she did a few minutes ago.

Anjali, Nani, and Manorama dispersed to their rooms not wanting to agitate their chotte further.

Khushi looked at the scene and sighed thinking some things and some people will never change no matter what the situation is.

Day of Manorama's Departure and PI report Arrival:

6:00 AM in RM

Continuous phone ringing made Arnav get up from his sleep, to see Aman calling. Khushi was already up and was nowhere to be seen in the room.

Ya Aman...


Oh.. is the report ready? Okay, I will be there in an hour. No, I need to put this to bed as soon as possible. Tell him to wait in my cabin, till I am there.

Khushi saw Arnav rushing out in his casuals around 6:30 AM which surprised her, as he never wore casuals until and unless there was something extremely important that was not related to his work.

10 :00 AM in RM

Everyone had gathered in the living room except Khushi for obvious reasons to see off Mami and Mama leaving for London.

"Where is Arnav Bitwa"? Mama looked confused as Mami and he was leaving for London and had told Arnav about this and expected him to be there. But seeing him absent he got confused and worried for some reason.

Soon enough Akash received the call and spoke to Arnav for a few mins.

"Bhai has asked you guys to stay back and he has postponed your trip for the day after tomorrow just now through Aman's secretary," said Akash to everyone equally confused.

"But Akash Bitwa why chote postponed the trip and where is he?" asked Nani equally surprised by the new development.

Akash: I don't know Nani, he just told me he will be here in 30 mins and we should all wait for him without going anywhere as he has something to announce and explain which is very important for all of us!

Everyone looked at each other not knowing what to expect next!

Nk heard this and went upstairs to Arnav's room to find Khushi preparing for her exams.

Nk(exclaims): Khushi Ji, Nannav just called and told me he has something to announce and postponed Mama and Mami's trip also. Nobody knows what this is about! why don't you also come down after Nannav arrives?

Khushi (confused): What? God knows what he has planned now and I don't want to come and be another reason for Mrs. Jha's pain.

Nk just nodded in response and went downstairs as he didn't want to pressurize his friend for anything.

After a few mins, Arnav arrived inside RM with a big file in his hands.

Everyone to stood up from the sofa as soon as he entered.

ASR: Akash, I had asked everyone to wait but where is Khushi?

Akash: I don't know Bhai..

Arnav just stared at him disappointed...NK please go and call Khushi, this is really important for her as well.

Khushi came downstairs when Anjali started going in looking at Khushi not wanting to share the same space with her.

Seeing this Arnav said loudly - where do you think you are going, Mrs. Jha?

Everyone looked at Arnav surprised including  Khushi and most shocked was Anjali who had never heard him addressing anything other than di.

ASR: Wait Mrs. Jha, listen to all the things that your loving husband has done till now, and then you can leave not a second before that!

Since neither of you beleived  Khushi or payal or even me for that matter , I went ahead and had the PI investigate him and today I got to know some shocking details of his acts which went unnoticed by all of us.

Number 1: Shyam had no cases in court, he just wandered around cities luring girls with money and having one night stands with all kind of girls and enjoying the luxurious life from my hard earned money!

There was a collective gasp across the room which left them shocked knowing Shyam was a womanizer.

There are couple of videos and photos captured from different cctv's and some family's photograph where him and other girl got accidentally snapped in their picture.

Arnav takes some photos and puts it on the coffee table for all of them to see.

Number 2: He met Khushi after the Lucknow fiasco and pretended to be looking for a house only because  hwas obsessed and infatuated with her after meeting her in Lucknow. There are many CCTV camera recordings and people telling that they have seen him lurking around their house.

Number 3: The PI also suspects that there might be some connection to him and Khushi's father being paralysed. As there is no evidence yet but we cant rule that out.

This was the biggest shock for both Khushi and Payal as they had never imagined in their wild dreams there could be something like this Shyam could have been resposnible for !

Precap: slap and more confrontation between Anjali and Arnav

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