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Khushi came to the room to see Arnav standing by the poolside and lost in thought. Khushi sighed looking at him knowing that he is going through all these together but she didn't want to show her softer side to him as he has to learn his own lesson and he will understand it better if he learns it with his own experience. As it was very late she just took her side and closed her eyes, not wishing to be weak in front of him and she knew she cannot be vulnerable anymore to anyone or for any feelings.

After sometime Arnav came inside and took his side and kept looking at Khushi's face. Still he couldn't no longer control his sleep and fell soon asleep because of tiredness.

7.00 A.M

Khushi got up to see Arnav's side empty which confused her as he wouldnt leave so early unless it's necessary thinking so she went to the washroom to freshen up and start her day.

In the outskirts of Delhi

ASR in his car on call

ASR: Ya Aman. I am almost reaching there.

Inside the building....few men who were heavily built brought a person whose face was covered and hands were tied but he was constantly struggling to free himself. They unmasked him whereas the kidnapped person was Shyam Manohar Jha!

Shyam(shouting): Why have you brought me here? Who are you? What do you need from me? Do you know who I am? Let me just go!!!

For this he got no reaction from them as they just stood and watched him saying the same thing repeatedly!

Shyam(shouts): Who is your boss?? You know ASR I am his BIL!! Do you know what he will do to you and your boss if he gets to know that you have kidnapped his sister's husband!

But he heard a voice from the dark of a person who was entering the room...

Voice: What will he do my dear JIJAJI???

Shyam was shocked to the core to see Arnav standing in front of him as ASR not as Arnav with a devilish look on his face and wide smirk looking at him...

Shyam(fumbling): Saale Sahab!!

ASR(smirks): Hello Jijaji!! I hope my people surprised you enough with their appearance at your doorstep....!

Shyam(shocked): It means it is you who asked them to kidnap me?

ASR(smirks):Oh yes! It was me who told them to get you here !!did you like the place?? I was thinking anyways you have enjoyed all the luxury in RM why not also give you some special treatment here? What do you say jijaji?

Shyam was scared to the core as he never thought his Saale sahab would do such a thing..but still put a brave face and told hiding his emotions.

Shyam(smiles): Do you know what will happen to your sister if she gets to know that you have kidnapped me?

Arnav signaled his men to leave the room leaving both of them with Shyam tied to the chair and Arnav standing in front of him..

ASR(laughs): And who will do that honors jijaji? Because you will not leave from here until I give my orders and I will not go and tell di that I have kidnapped her husband whom she believes is a God! Who else??

Shyam(scared): No you cannot do this! Rani sahiba will get to know that I am missing very soon!!

ASR(smirks):How will she get to know? When you yourself will call her and tell her that you have got one important case and you are out of state for a few days!!

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