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Arnav thought about all those NK had told him and his feelings about Khushi not that he was very much surprised by knowing this as he had seen him behave with Khushi during Akash's wedding and that would leave him drown in jealousy and irritated most of the time seeing him cling like a glue to his Khushi but he did not know what that feelings were neither he wanted to admit to those and become weak..he was no longer irritated with NK because he knew Khushi wouldn't expect any help from him or won't come asking for emotional support from now on and she didn't have to after all he had not made her feel that comfortable in the first place and he cannot expect her to be like the previous even after so many things that has happened recently happened in their lives which has affected her the most!!how can she forget she is just 21 for god sake and she didn't have to go through all this with no fault of hers but she was subjected to all these without being even responsible for it!!!

He had so many things to take care of his and Khushi's relationship was almost coming to an end and Di doesnt want to admit the fact that her husband was a cheat and does not want to think about anything else or consider the facts too and Akash also has some kind of issues with Payal blaming her for keeping this secret till now and Mami hasn't been any useful in this situation using this to her advantage and taunting the Gupta sisters even more Nani...was behaving as if she doesn't know what is going around her and in office Akash is not doing his work perfectly nor he is there at the office most of the time and they have a fashion show pre-launch in a month and they are far behind to what needs to be done and he doesn't know from which angle to start and from where to begin with!!He thought of calling Khushi but then thought of texting her if she feels uncomfortable with his he texted her...

Text me as soon as you reach NK's place... safe journey and he waited for Khushi's reply

Khushi in the Train

Khushi saw the message and smiled half heartedly looking outside she now felt no happiness and no excitement thinking about them but whatever she felt was pain seeing his text from the same person whom she had been humiliated and was hurt in the worst way possible

Arnav took a bath and had dinner with his family being not present in the conversation that his family was having but thinking which step should he take in order to make everything perfect in both his personal life as well as professional life...and soon everyone retired to their rooms even Arnav came to his room and checked his mobile for any message but didn't have any he sighed and worked on his pending work and checked the time it was 12.00 A.M but neither Khushi had texted nor she had called ..he knew it would take 6-7 hours to reach Lucknow but still he was feeling worried without knowing where she was..Arnav didn't know when he just dozed off sitting in that position and woke up alarmed to see the time it was 4.00 a.m and checked his phone to see no message of Khushi nor any missed call from her he panicked and called her to see her phone is switched off making him more worried ..after pacing in the room for 5 minutes he thought of asking NK and barged in to his room to see NK sleeping peacefully making him feel more agitated seeing his irresponsible behaviour..!!

He shook NK vigorously to wake him up and NK finally became aware of his surroundings and opened his eyes, still sleepy..

NK(sleepy):What is it ?Let me sleep!!

ASR(angrily):You idiot!!Where is Khushi ??her phone is switched off neither she has called me nor texted!!did she reach or not and you are sleeping peacefully here!!how can you be irresponsible like this!!

Hearing his shout he opened his eyes fully clearly irritated with his outburst !!

NK(irritated):For your information Arnav Khushi ji reached Lucknow at 1.30 A.M and she got there to the guest house by the car which was sent by my friend to pick her up and she reached guest house and called me that she is going to sleep and that everything is fine and her phone battery is low and too tired to put it on charge now so she is going to sleep and will put her phone on charge once she wakes up tomorrow...anything else??

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