𝓢3𝓒12: 𝓢𝓽𝓾𝓹𝓮𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷

721 38 51

S3C12: Stupefecation

"Aren't you taking things too quick Hirata?"

"W-what do you mean?"





"I meant you were walking at a very fast pace and yes you can call me Kiyotaka" He slowed down and gave a blinding smile and replied, "Thanks Kiyotaka." I returned it, "Don't mention it Yousuke."

He asked, "What do you think about the sports festival Kiyotaka? Do you perhaps have any thoughts or will you not raise your voice just like your hand in the class." That jab was straight at my neutralistic behaviour in class. It was caught up by quite a few people but I had no intention to choose a side. Similar efforts were done by one other person, Noriko. I had to say something, "Given the strange situation of the festival, this was the optimal solution. Though, the backups have to be prepared well." I added some crumbs at the end waiting for Yousuke to pick them up. He nodded as we walked silently to the room where everyone was waiting for us. I sat down next to Suzune who gave a stinging look at my side as she spoke in a whisper,

"You. Me. Talk. Later. GOT IT?"

So began the discussions, which were not anything to mock at. Suzune immediately took charge and laid down her proposal of using other means to win the exam.

"Isn't it strange that the entire happenings of the exam have to be only merit-based, on the surface? If it's anything like the other exams, won't it be futile for us to be in the open and try our skillset? If the entire field we fight on is unfair, to begin with that can be achieved by other underhanded means?"

While I sipped on my cold coffee waiting for others to tear down her paranoia-filled proposal. But, reality begged to differ as the so-called noble Yousuke grabbed down to her offer and furthered his propaganda,

"I think it's a part we have to discuss given the overhanging noose that's there in front of us right now. What if? That is a good question. So what if, Horikita's saying is true? I think we should also have a sort of backup."

Karuizawa there piqued her interest as she stopped sipping and spoke, "Guys come onnnnnn. It's just a festival, meant to be fun....let's just forget about it as an exam for a bit." She indirectly set a very crucial hint that could alter their sense of perspective. But...again...there is the fact that she has the gyaru girl persona; chances are slim that her words will be used to their fullest extent. Another voice seeped into the room, "That's right Karuizawa-chan. It's a festival guys, as its title says....A SPORTS FESTIVAL. Rules of regular exams are not going to be very effective here...are they?"

A bold delayed entry often garners attention and seeps public view towards a person. As expected, Noriko didn't leave any stones unturned to capture what she wants, that is attention. She entered the room and her lavender smell tingled my senses. I sighed as I sipped on the coffee Yousuke nodded at her and she sat next to him. Kushida waved her hand to say hi while Suzune looked in her direction for an instant and asked, "What's she doing her? Were you invited by someone Noriko?"

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