Chapter 1 - The Great Date Escape

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Sitting across from the principal and another teacher, I starred at my hands as my mother conversed with them. I could still feel the rage radiating from my heart and I had to try and calm myself down. It was over with, I reminded myself. You are in a completely different school. Away from the terrors.

Though that didn't help the tension that was in the office. "Hmm. As long as Charlotte promises not to get into any fights while she is here, we will accept her into our school. Miss Bustier?" The principal questioned the female standing beside him, tapping his fingers along his desk.

The blue-haired teacher hummed as she glanced through something on her clipboard. "I believe we have one spot left since Lila left the school." Did someone else get expelled before me here as well? "She is welcomed in my class. I'm sure the students would be thrilled to meet a new student as well!" She gave me a soft smile and I tried not to outwardly cringe. I wasn't used to freebees being handed out like this.

"Than it's settled." The principal nodded his head, turning to look at me. "Though one wrong move, Miss Belleguarde, and it'll have dire consequences." He warned me in a no-nuisance tone.

"Don't worry, sir," my mother spoke up, clapping my shoulder and making me wince. "She will be on her upmost perfect behavior. Isn't that right, Charlotte?" She narrowed her eyes at me in warning. Something like "if you mess this one up you get no retries".

Biting my lip to keep from saying anything, I bowed my head in respect. "Of course, sir. I promise not to cause any trouble." Though I had a feeling that would not be an easy feat.

The ride home was done in uncomfortable silence. Mom's cab driver had his eyes on the road, not saying anything as classic piano music blasted through the speakers. "You will do good on your word, Charlotte." My mother warned me as she fixed her make-up.

"Yes mother," I quipped, knowing the drill. The only reason why I lashed out was because of how strict she had me at home. I could hardly do anything, and at school I could do whatever I wanted. Unless one of the kids told her that I did something, which they almost never did.

I made sure of that by putting the fear of Charlotte in them.

"If you get kicked out this time I'll have no choice but to send you to a Catholic private school," she continued, making me cringe. Anything but a private school. "You'll be sent to one of those dorms that you despise so much." That was even more of a threat. I've complained more than once about those types of schools, and I knew she would definitely follow through with that threat.

"I promise to be on my most best behavior." There was no way I'd be messing this up if I could help it. I did not want to go to an all Catholic school.

Mother liked to think she lived the glamours life-style and in a way I guess she did. She was the manager of a high-end restaurant in town that was raving with views. Celebrities were known to eat there as well as well-end fashion industries used her restaurant for a meeting place. She even had VIP rooms for important people who were willing to pay more for the privacy (which they usually were). Sometimes I helped at the restaurant, doing what I could that would be considered child labor.

With a bedraggled sigh I worked on wiping down tables so that people could sit down. This was also a way that mom used to keep me out of trouble. Though, needless to say, I still found ways to get into them. Even when I was out of them.

"Charlotte!" My mother called, making me straighten my back. I made sure the table I was working on was straightened up. Walking over to where my mother was, I froze when I saw who it was. Gabriel Agreste stood beside my mother, looking regal as ever. Beside him was a beautiful young female model who looked around my age, and a blond haired boy who was also my age. He looked like he'd rather be anywhere but there and I felt sorry for him in that instance. "Is the VIP room ready?" She asked, as if we had anyone important eating there tonight.

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