Chapter 14 - The Pursuer and a new Card at play

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Remy had decided to stay for a bit to catch up. I hadn't minded it - it's been a while since I've seen any of my classmates from Kingston University. Not that I had a lot, but Remy was among the few that I had that I genuinely cared about. We hung out after school quite a bit, though I wouldn't call him a best friend.

"Tohru took over the role as badass bitch for the school," Remy was telling me, a grin on his face as he took a rather large bite from his egg salad sandwich. Adrien was awkwardly quiet as he glanced between us, though I could understand the awkwardness on his part. From what I've learned Adrien had a tough time making friends, though with how he was raised that was understandable.

Though this tension seemed different. It was almost as if Adrien was jealous of Remy, which was complete nonsense. I barely even knew the blond haired boy, though maybe that was the issue. Maybe I should get to know him better, despite being desk buddies for a little over four months now.

Snorting I took a sip of my iced matcha, laughing. "Good, she earns that title," I smirk, thinking about all the times we had together in school. Tohru Yukimo was another girl I often hung out with at school, though we were mostly just that. School friends. We were the girls that no one wanted to mess with, or else you'd get a broken nose. She was half Japanese, half French so it was interesting to see her parents together.

"You seem to have some adventures over at that school..." Adrien trailed off with a chuckle. He had been extremely quiet, most likely listening to all the shenanigans that went on at Kingston University. Getting to know me more than I really wanted him too.

At that Remy grinned and I gave him a warning look. "Oh you have no idea," he winked at me and I just shook my head, but I knew he wouldn't listen. "One time she argued with one of the teachers over not handing in homework. We were all amazed when she won that battle." He snickered some more and I slapped him, though I wasn't at all embarrassed. He could have told an even more embarrassing story, and I was grateful that he chose that one.

I heard some more soft snickering and I glared at Adrien, though for his part he just grinned at me; unperturbed. My heart jostled at that grin, the grin that reminded me so much of a certain black cat that I knew.

"That doesn't surprise me..." Adrien trailed off, amusement dancing in his green irises. "I've seen you argue with Chloe on more than one occasion. Chloe for the most part doesn't even retaliate, which is a feat on her part." Ah, yes. Chloe and I often butted heads. We were both alpha females, though I made it a point to stay more in the shadows at this school so I wouldn't be sent to a boarding school for Christians. I definitely did not want to wear those school uniforms.

"Chloe?" Remy questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Bourgeois," I replied and when he still looked confused I sighed. "Mayor's daughter," I concluded and he aw'd at that.

"She's hot though..." He trailed off and pushed him, shaking my head though I couldn't hardly deny that. Chloe was hot, though she needed to lose the attitude. "Think you can hook me up?" He wondered, quite seriously.

Adrien and I glanced at each other in surprise. "You want me to hook you up with Chloe?" I wondered if he had fallen in the last few days. "Remy... bro. She's a bit... how should I put this?" I wondered, glancing over at Adrien for help. I didn't want to say something that would offend him.

"She's a bit much..." Adrien trailed off admittedly. "She's not a bad person. She just thinks she has to live up to the expectations of her mother and father, more so her mother." He added as an afterthought, which made me frown. "She gets attention from her father, but not so much from her mother. And her mother is worse than Chloe."

"Worse?" I wondered, gaping at Adrien. Though you know what they say, the apple doesn't fall farther than the tree. I had a feeling my mother and her mother would be great friends.

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