Chapter 21 - A New Era Begins

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Sitting on my bed I watched as Adrien paced back and forth in my room. Gulla and Plagg were sitting on my bed beside me as they also watched him; his hands clasped behind his back.

"So what you're telling me is that your father was a part of the last team. He still has his Miraculous. And now he is back in Paris, warning you about dangers to come in a letter. Am I getting this correctly?" Adrien mused, processing all the things that I told him as he turned to look at me.

Pursing my lips I nodded. "That sums it up," though I was still processing it myself.

"Did you know he was on the team?" Adrien accused, turning towards the Kwami's that were laying on the bed.

Plagg shrugged. "Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. This is a very special circumstance," the cat Kwami stated vaguely. "Even if I knew I wouldn't be allowed to tell you, as it's classified information." Adrien groaned, bringing his hand down his face.

I looked over to Gulla who also shrugged. "Plagg's right. Plus, I wasn't on the main team. I was a tag member like most of the other Kwami's. Master Fu chooses the main team with much thought," she added, making me nod my head. It made sense, though it sucked. We could have so much more information if the Kwami's were allowed to tell us.

"So Ladybug and Chat Noir are almost always the main team?" I wondered, finding that quite interesting.

"They are the most important of all the Kwami's," Gulla nodded, making Plagg blush. I smirked at him, though this was too important of a conversation to tease the cat. "Ladybug is needed for her purification magic. Without her the Akumas would never get purified. Chat Noir is needed to destroy the Akuma so that Ladybug can, in fact, purify it. While Ladybug could easily break the objects herself, it takes a team effort in order to do everything." That thought process made sense. "Ladybug, in most cases, acts as the leader of the Miraculous Team. Not always, but in most cases."

"How does Master know who to pick and not to pick?" I wondered curiously. Adrien took a seat beside me as I talked with the Kwami's, taking my left hand in his and squeezing it affectionately. Turning my head I smiled at him warmly, laying my head on his shoulder but turning to look at Gulla and Plagg.

"Actually I'm not sure..." Gulla trailed off with a frown. "Maybe people who show courage and bravery. Maybe he feels the aura off of the people he chooses? Master is a very strange and fickle creature..." She chuckles at her own joke, flexing her wings. "He's a very kind and gentle soul, though takes all the burden for himself."

"That sounds familiar..." I mutter underneath my breath, shaking my head. Not that I was a martyr, mind you, but it took a lot for me to invite people into my life. As friends sure, though I don't always tell them what happens within closed doors. They didn't need to know my mother was verbally abusive, they didn't need to know that I haven't seen my father since I was ten when they got a divorce and my mother basically banished him from the home.

It was a faint memory within the back of my mind, sometimes I even got nightmares of it. Of my mother doing that to me. I always fear that my mother would kick me out of my own home and I would have nowhere to go.

Gulla gave me a knowing look but said nothing to that comment. "Can you stay or do you need to go back?" I wondered, turning towards Adrien who was looking at me fondly. I blushed deeply, wondering how I got so lucky that the sweetest boy liked me.

"I can stay. What were you thinking?" He wondered and I had an idea.

"How do you feel watching a few episodes of One Piece?" I smirked as his face lit up in excitement. The only good thing about having a rich-ass mother was the fact that she let me have all the streaming services, mostly to keep myself occupied while she did her thing. Not wanting me to be in the way of her work.

Turning on my streaming device I brought up Crunchyroll. Clicking on the last place we watched we got settled against the wall behind my bed, cuddling as we binge-watched One PIece until Adrien had to go home.


"POUND IT!" The four of us echoed with glee, bringing our fists together. Another job well done, if I did say so myself. While the other members didn't come in as often, they were just as a part of the team as we were - and they knew how to work with us.

"That was amazing, Rena! I loved that little extra shot at the end," I grinned at her as she flipped her hair over her shoulder sassily.

"I had to show him who was boss," she smirked, making me grin. Rena and I got along so well together; with her and my sass combined we were the ultimate combo.

Chat Noir rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but what about me?" He pointed to himself and I just raised an eyebrow, "oh come on, my puns were pawsome in this fight!" We all groaned at that, though what they didn't know was I dealt with this even after the fight was over.

Adrien was not holding anything back. Now that we knew who each other was he could act as he pleased with me - within closed doors. Or when no one else was around that could get back to his father. So he often texted me puns and some of them were a hit and miss, but I wouldn't have my adorable blond any other way.

Rena raised an eyebrow at the tom cat. "Why, Chat Noir, are you jealous? There's no need to be jealous of our girl power, sugar." She wiggled her finger at him and he just rolled his eyes.

I raised an eyebrow at him in question, knowing he'd get my quiet question. "I'm not jealous!" He huffed, though the puffiness on his cheeks suggested otherwise.

"What if I said I was going home with Rena Rogue tonight?" I flattered my eyelashes at her, and she did the same.

Huffing, he reached out and grabbed my arm - yanking me towards him. I yelped as I fell into his arms - eyes wide. The girls had their eyes wide as well, though Ladybug held a knowing smirk.

"I knew it!" She fist pumped the air as Rena glanced between us in shock. "You've been getting close since she joined, it was only a matter of time!" She grinned at the both of us. "Just make sure it doesn't get in between the jobs," she told us sternly. "Come on Rena, I'm about to bug out and I still need to take Trixx back."

Rena Rogue's smile fell at the reminder, nodding her head as she waved at us. I watched as Ladybug and Rena Rogue ran into the other direction and wondered why Ladybug didn't just give Rena her Kwami. She's on the squad enough to where I thought she deserved her place.

"You didn't have to act so possessive with Ren, you know..." I trailed off with a fond chuckle, giving the blond a loving look.

"I'm not being beaten out by a fox," Chat huffed childishly, leaning down and kissing the top of my head. With that we rushed to find a place to de-transform, handing our Kwami's each their treat for a job well done. "What are you thinking about?" Adrien wondered, seeing the look on my face.

Blinking, I glanced up at him. "I was just wondering why Ladybug doesn't give Rena her Miraculous permanently. She's on the team a lot." Same with the Bee, though I understand they are two separate people so it would be hard to figure out who to give the Miraculous too.

Adrien blinked at that question, pursing his lips. "Well I think Ladybug chooses the best Kwami for the job, so she never knows who will be needed for the next one until the Akuma shows itself," he tried to explain and I nodded my head at that. "That's how she did when you weren't on the team, though she also never chose to bring new people in until her MIraculous charm told her to. So I have no clue if she went to talk to Master Fu about that and he agreed to let her bring on people if we need them or what." He shrugged at that added information.

Thinking that over made a lot of sense. With a shrug I gave my boyfriend a beaming smile, one he returned with a more warm tone. "Let's go get something to eat, I'm starving."

Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a white-clad hero running around. Blinking, I glanced towards the area that I saw, though it had disappeared before I could really confirm anyone had been watching us. Shaking my head I followed after Adrien - not realizing that same hero that I had seen had been watching us all along.

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