Chapter 31 - Entering a New Miraculous Era

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We were all standing on top of the Eiffel tower. Chat Noir had called Ladybug and told her to meet up with us, and we were just waiting for her arrival.

"Do we tell her that we know each other's identities?" I questioned with a grimace, more so looking at Chat Noir than looking at Serenity Swan. I had a feeling if it was anyone Ladybug would be pissed at for knowing each other's identities it would be us.

Serenity Swan hummed at the suggestion. "It might help to be honest," he suggested, making me grimace at that. That's what I thought he'd say. "Could tell her you just figured it out, since Chat Noir took you to see Master Fu," Serenity Swan added as an afterthought when he saw the panicked looks that crossed Chat and my faces.

I sighed as I gave Serenity Swan a defeated look. "It's just... Ladybug was the one so adamant that we didn't know each other's identities. And with that she expected us to be the same, though Chat and I really didn't care if we did or not..." I trailed off with a chuckle, giving the blond a fond look before frowning again. "I'm afraid of her reaction after she finds out we've known each other for weeks..." I sighed again, pinching the bridge of my nose in irritation.

Jumping when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I glanced over to Chat Noir as he gave it an affectionate squeeze. "She was going to find out eventually, Amour," he said with a tight lipped smile, though I knew he was just as afraid of her reaction as I was.

"Find out about what?" A familiar voice interrupted our thoughts, making me jump at the sudden entrance of Ladybug. Whirling around she landed on the tower effortlessly, her yo-yo snapping back into place as she placed a hand on her hip with a raised eyebrow. Damn, I forgot how intimidating she could be. "Why do you two look so guilty?" She teased us, not noticing that Serenity Swan was also standing at our meet-up spot.

Clearing my throat my eyes darted over to Serenity Swan, who merely raised an eyebrow when Ladybug glanced over to him - her eyes widening at the new hero. "I do not believe we've met officially, Ladybug. I'm Serenity Swan," he introduced himself, holding out his hand for her to shake - only to drop it immediately when Ladybug just continued to stare at him in shock. "You warned me this would happen..." Serenity Swan chuckled nervously as he glanced over to Chat Noir and I, and I shrugged.

Ladybug's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. "Okay, what's going on?" She demanded, getting serious now. When she thought it was just the three of us she was her normal self, but now she's back to being Ladybug square one.

Standing up straight I glanced over at Serenity Swan and he nodded, letting me know I could take control of the situation. "Well... we have a lot to talk about, Ladybug," I told her sincerely with a sigh. "Serenity Swan here is my father," I told her sheepishly and her eyes widened at that news. "And before you say anything," I held my hand up before she could say anything, "we found out accidentally. Master Fu introduced us," I told her and she clamped her mouth shut at the mention of Master.

"Okay..." Ladybug trailed off, accepting that answer before her eyes flickered to the blond beside me, who started to fidget at the sudden attention. "Why is Chat here?" She wondered in confusion and I sighed. I was hoping she wouldn't question why he was here.

Chat Noir ran a gloved hand through his golden locks, giving me a side-ways glance. "Well, after Nebula was hit with that spell I took her to see Master Fu," he explained, taking in a deep breath. "Well, her transformation wore off. And... well... hold on a second, why does it look like you already knew?!" Chat Noir demanded when Ladybug's composure started to wear off after he was trying to explain.

At that outburst Ladybug busted out laughing, holding her stomach as she did so. "Oh man. That was good. I already knew for a while now," she nodded her head, giving us a grin as our mouths fell open - flabbergasted at the revelation. "I'd had my suspicions for a while now, you two had gotten awfully close," she commented, making us both blush at that as we gave each other sheepish looks. Serenity Swan was watching us with rapid attention, almost as if we were a soap opera ready to break even. After taking a pause she gave us a look that seemed worried. "Did you... want to know who I am?" She wondered, biting her lip anxiously.

Chat Noir and I glanced over at each other in surprise. "Ladybug, Chat and I only know each other's identities by chance," I told her gently, not wanting her to feel pressured. "It was a real accident. We don't want you to feel pressured because we know each other's faces." She was always the one adamant on not knowing who the other wise. I didn't want to take that choice away from her.

Ladybug eyed us for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. "No, I want to. I want to know who you guys are, and knowing you two already know each other takes the pressure off." She assured us and I glanced over at Chat in surprise, who was clearly as surprised as I was.

"How about all those years you didn't want us knowing?" Chat wondered with a pout and I giggled, earning a glare from the blond.

"We were naive then, Chat," she told him with a huff, "we were new to our roles. I didn't want something to happen and then Hawk Moth knew our identity! Do you know how detrimental that would be to getting Nooroo back?" She tilted her head to the side, giving him a serious look as he still pouted. "We're still naive now, but we have Serenity Swan on our side, right?" Ladybug gave the man a quick look, who was watching the entire reaction go down.

I gave my dad a look, tilting my head to see what he had to say about this. "If you guys want to do this, I'm not going to stop you. Chat Noir and Nebula already know each other's identity, and they know mine. Though I would like to keep it a secret from you a little while longer if that is okay, Ladybug," he turned to the red-clad hero who nodded her head in understanding. "I'd rather Chat Noir didn't know, but he found out the day that we had to take Nebula to Master Fu. It can't be helped." He shrugged, sighing in defeat. "Master Fu is horrible with secrets that aren't his own," he huffed, making me giggle at the reaction. "I am just here to inform you that I'll be on the team every now and then. I am working on discovering who Hawk Moth really is." He told Ladybug, who had a surprised look on her face again.

We kept giving her whiplashes tonight, apparently.

"Are you any closer to figuring him out?" Ladybug questioned, genuinely curious.

Serenity Swan shook his head. "Sadly no. Nothing concrete, at any rate. I don't want to give you kids false hope," he stated with a wince. "I'll make sure to tell you when I am sure of who it is," he nodded towards our self-proclaimed leader who nodded her head in understanding. "With that, I bid you guys well. Nebula, I'll try and stall your mother - though I'm sure she won't notice either way..." he trailed off with a wince, as if he already knew how my home life had been before he came into the picture.

"Thanks..." I trailed off with a sigh, watching the white-clad heroine leaping down from the Eiffel Tower. Silence fell upon us for a few moments before I turned to face Ladybug, who had a thoughtful look on her face.

"You know I just realized..." Chat Noir broke the tension and I glanced over at him with confusion, "when Ladybug finds out who you are she's gonna know right away who Serenity Swan is..." he trailed off with a snicker and I smirked over at him, already having figured that out.

"My fathers not very bright, now is he?" I grinned, earning laughter from my two partners. With a look of determination I turned towards Ladybug, who raised an eyebrow at me. "Well? Do you want to know our identities? You still have time to say no..." I trail off, biting my lip as I let her think about it a little bit more.

Ladybug nodded her head. "I'm ready," she repeated, "I've been ready." She nodded again, as if she was telling herself otherwise.

Taking a deep breath I glanced over at Chat Noir, who also nodded. He'd probably been ready even before I came into the picture. "Alright..." I trailed off with a nod of determination. "On the count of three. One... two..."

And soon another era of the Miraculous Team was entered in a wave of golden light. 

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