Chapter 11 - Becoming A Model... by Force

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"Pound it!" I've officially been on the team for a month now, and it was smooth sailing. I've met a few of the other team members that get pulled in from time to time, though the main one I've noticed that gets pulled in is Rena Rogue.

I had to wonder if that was because Ladybug knew her well in her civilian life.

"I think we're getting good at this, no?" Rena asked as she twirled her flute, a smirk on her face. She reminded me of someone. Though I couldn't quite place who that was.

Chat Noir leaned his elbow on my shoulder and I leveled him with a look. "We've always been good, Rogue," he smirked. After that night on the roof top we've gotten closer. And I think the girls have started to notice, because they were both smirking at us with raised eyebrows. I tried to ignore that look and jabbed Chat Noir in waist with my elbow. "Ouch!" He gasped, shooting me a bewildered look.

Rena Rogue laughed at us. "Well, I guess I'll see you guys next time. Ta-ta!" She wiggled her fingers at us and Ladybug and Rena Rogue both bounded off - leaving me with the bundle of joy that is Chat Noir.

"I'd love to stay longer, but my mother mentioned a family meeting in an hour from now." I sighed irritably. I was not excited about this so-called family meeting. It made me want to throw up, actually, not knowing what was happening.

"Yeah," Chat Noir sighed and I raised an eyebrow at him. "My father mentioned something about a meeting as well," he admitted with a frown. "Weird how we both have meetings." He chuckled awkwardly.

That was weird. Though I didn't put much thought on that. From what Chat has told me his father was a complete hard ass, much like my mother. I had a feeling they'd get along splendidly. "Yeah, so I'll catch you later tom cat." I waved before I started towards my place. These days I've been making sure to keep my balcony opened so that it was easy for me to access when I needed it. Landing on the railing I hopped down onto the floor, transforming back into my civilian self. Gulla floated in front of me in a wave of exhaustion, though perked up when I handed her a banana muffin.

"What do you think your mother wants to talk to you about?" Gulla wondered as we entered my room. I walked over to my closet, walking inside and gauging at all the outfit ideas that I had. I wasn't sure what kind of affair this was supposed to be, so I didn't know if I should be more formal or not.

"Not sure," I replied, grabbing a deep purple house dress that probably was good enough. "She sounded serious. Hopefully I've been nothing but good and there's nothing she can accuse me of." I've tried to be on my best behavior since going to my new school. Have I bumped heads with Chloe from time to time? Yes, but everyone does. That never gets to anyones parents unless it was serious, or Chloe was just being a total brat and demanded attention.

"Doesn't she always sound serious?" Gulla asked genuinely and I chuckled. Yes, that was also true. Mother was never aloof with things, which made me wonder if I got my personality from my dad. I probably did. Not that I would know.

Once I got dressed I grabbed a cross-over purse, something classy that would impress my mother. I had a lot of clothing options that she didn't approve of, but as long as I bought them with my own money I was allowed to have them.

"Ah, good, sit down Charlotte. I got word they'll be here in any minute." I blinked at that, confusion etching into my head as I sat down on the couch. We were going to have company? It was a good thing I decided to dress a little classier, otherwise using the outfits I normally wore would not have sufficed for my mother. "Things will come to light once we start talking about what we have planned." Now I was even more curious.

And wished she would stop making plans for me that I knew nothing about.

There was a rap at the door before it opened. "Here are you guests, Miss Belleguarde," our butler told us monotonously and I gaped at who I saw. Adrien Agreste stood with his father, who looked equally surprised to see me as his father lead him into the living room.

"Very good Silas, thank you. Can you fix us up something?" Mother glanced over at the butler, who was giving mom a very business-like look.

"Anything special?" Was the answer as Adrien took the seat beside me at the notion of his father as Gabriel went to stand beside my mother.

Mother glanced over at Gabriel, who discreetly shook his head. "Pasta salad will do Silas. Thank you. And make sure to make some tea as well, you know how I like it." With a nod Silas walked in the direction the kitchen was. "Gabriel, it's good to see you." Mother crooned, turning to face the esteemed fashion designer with a charming grin.

Gabriel smirked and I glanced over at Adrien who shrugged, not knowing what was going on either. I hadn't expected seeing him at this meeting, let alone actually seeing his father coming through that door. "Nice to see you as well, Julia." They're on first name basis? That almost made me want to throw up. "Now, lets get onto business." He started, glancing over to us.

"Very well," Mother clipped. "Now, we've decided to team up. We think with my restaurant, and Gabriel's fashion career we'd be able to make a fortune." They're going to team up? What? "Which means, Charlotte." Mother spoke to me and I sat up straighter. "You're going to become a model overnight."

I blinked once. Than twice. "What?" I voiced out harshly. "Mom, why didn't I know anything about this before hand? You know I'm busy with school. Let alone trying to get into an art internship." I know it was early, but becoming an artist in this day and age was tough. I was working on my portfolio, and wanted to make sure that it was done right so that I could show potential employers who were looking for help.

"You'll have time for that in between this," mother waved her hand dismissively and I narrowed my eyes. She didn't even care I was trying to make a career out of being an artist. Why would she? All she cared about was making money and her business. "You know how I feel about that hobby of yours."

"Hobby?" I grumbled, sinking back into the couch. Knowing nothing I would say would make her see reason. This sucked. Of course she would spring this on me, though at the same time it was sprung onto Adrien as well. Taking a glance his way he was giving me a sympathetic look, though he also had a look of alarm on his own face. This was definitely not told to him either.

"You'll start on your new career first thing tomorrow," Gabriel instructed, "Adrien, I expect you to take care of her. Be the model I taught you."

Adrien sighed beside me, though discreetly he was patting my arm, letting me know it wouldn't be all that bad. "Yes father," was his monotonous reply. This was not the Adrien I knew. I knew him to be a ball of sunshine, and yet he was a dark version of himself.

"Good," Gabriel nodded. "Now Julia..." he trailed off as the adults walked into the kitchen, presumedly to stop Silas from doing whatever it was that he was doing.

"Sorry Char," he told me softly, "I had no idea this was what he was planning."

I sighed, running a hand down my face. "It's not your fault, Dri," yes, we were on nickname basis. It was hard not to be when we saw each other every day, and sat beside each other on more than one occasion. "I had no idea either. Not that mother tells me anything." I added bitterly. "But knowing it's with you, well, that makes this better." He smiled at me softly. It did make it better that he was the one here with me.

The only good thing about this was seeing Chloe's expression at school when she learned that Adrien and I have been paired together for modeling. That was something to look forward to tomorrow.

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