Chapter 17 - More Revelations... and Feelings...

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A few moments went by with us gaping at each other. Adrien was standing in front of me, a black cat Kwami hovering over his shoulder as they both gaped at what they saw.

"Well this is awkward..." The Kwami murmured, not having expected this to be how the two found each other out. Though he knew it would happen, he just suspected it a lot further away than today.

"Plagg..." Adrien hissed and I blinked, glancing between the two in astonishment. Adrien was Chat Noir. How the fuck did I not catch onto that sooner? They had the same mannerisms - though Adrien toned it down greatly when he was in his civilian form.

I facepalmed, earning looks from all three personals. "I'm just wondering how it didn't occur to me that Adrien was Chat Noir," I voiced, earning a giggle from Gulla. It all made sense. Especially since he was so adamant that I hide while we fought off Black Arabica. "Or everyone else for that matter," I added as an afterthought. I haven't been here for very long, and Adrien's been here for a year. How is it they haven't figured it out yet?

"It's magic, Char," Gulla supplied, hovering in front of me. "It keeps people from knowing your identities. Especially your teammates. It keeps it fair for whenever the parties are ready to tell the other who they really are," she explained and I nodded my head, finding that rational. Magic is always the answer for anything that doesn't make sense.

"Charlotte's Nebula," Adrien echoed, seeming in awe. I blushed at the look he was giving me, as if I was the most amazing thing that could have happened. "Did you know?" He turned towards his Kwami, who gave him a slight smirk.

"We're not allowed to tell," was the Kwami's answer, and Gulla nodded. Before I knew it I had the cat Kwami hovering in front of me beside Gulla, grinning ear to ear. "Yo, I'm Plagg. Nice to meetcha!" He saluted me, landing in my hand that I offered him.

I cooed, scratching behind his ear and electing a purr. "Oh my god, you're so cute!" I gushed, eyes sparkling. "I guess you already know my name, but I'm Charlotte Belleguarde."

Plagg scoffed at that, hovering out of my hand. "As many times as this kid has talked about you?" I raised an eyebrow at that, glancing over at Adrien as he blushed furiously - glaring at his Kwami. "Kid, you'd talk about her every night! It was a wonder we got any sleep!" He teased, flying higher when Adrien swiped at him.

"You talked about me?" I cooed, grinning when Adrien blushed even more.

"I... um..." Adrien stuttered, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as he sent another glare to Plagg. Plagg laughed, having the time of his life torturing his Miraculous Weilder.

"Adrien! Charlotte!" Our eyes widened as the Kwami's hid in their respective places. Turning my head, I gasped as I was attacked - falling on my ass painfully.

"We were worried!" Marinette chastised, hands on her hips as she glared at us. I wrapped my arms around Zoe, patting her back awkwardly. Adrien helped both of us up, chuckling as he did so. "We thought you got hit by that gunk!"

I shivered at the thought, frowning. "No, I hid in a secluded area. I only came out when I saw the butterflies!" Adrien gave me an amused look, shaking his head. Though there was a fondness to them that I couldn't quite place.

Marinette glanced between the two of us, raising an eyebrow. I gave her a grin, not knowing what she was thinking. Zoe went to stand beside Marinette, her arms behind her back. "When did you get here?" I wondered with raised eyebrows.

"Oh, yeah, well I was told I could come and please as I went! Being the Mayor's daughter and all that!" Zoe waved her hand in dismissal, though there was a slight blush on her face. "Even though I'm not exactly his daughter he treats me like one. It makes me happy." She admitted and my face softened a bit. "I wanted to see my sister's friends. Well, my friends." She corrected when Marinette sent her a look.

"I guess school is almost over," I nodded my head, slipping a dry banana to Gulla.

"Lotte," I turned to look at Adrien, who was giving me a serious look. "I want to talk to you after school," he told me and I nodded, knowing what he meant. Though the two girls looked confused, Marinette was giving me a smirk. I rolled my eyes at her, though a small smile made its way on my face.

After school Adrien had told his driver and bodyguard he was taking me to a cafe. Gorilla raised an eyebrow, but shrugged and nodded. He probably already had a feeling what this was going to be about, which made my heart stutter. Probably not the superhero part, but maybe the other half?

I didn't even know what the other half was going to be about, though I knew that he wanted to talk about the superhero part of our lives. So when he made a big show about going into the cafe, making sure no one was watching before we slipped into a back alley things were beginning to make more and more sense.

Transforming for a minute we find ourselves on top of a secluded roof. Detransforming, we started to have our little picnic on the rooftops - me munching on a lemon cake that Adrien so graciously bought for me. "So you're Nebula..." he trailed off sheepishly - our Kwami's were eating their respective foods, having a soft conversation of their own.

"You're Chat Noir," I echoed with a small smile. "It makes so much sense, now that I think about it." He raised an eyebrow at me, wondering what I meant by that as he munched on his muffin. "You're both the same. Whether or not you're Adrien, or Chat Noir you're the same person to me." I clarified and his eyes softened at that.

"Well your attitude never changed during transformation," Adrien laughs with a shake of his head. "I'm glad it's you," he smiles at me, which made my eyes widen. "I was starting to fall for both of you... and, well, this makes it easier..." he admitted and my mouth fell open. There was no way he just admitted having a crush on me.

"It's true!" A new voice piped up, making me jump a little. Though Adrien was sending it a stink-eye as I glanced down to one of the black blobs that sat in front of us. "He'd talk about you constantly. He was so excited when Gabriel and your mom decided to team up, since it meant you two modeling together!" Plagg teased and Adrien groaned when I sent him an amused grin.

Gulla laughed. "Charlotte would never admit it, but she was excited about that as well. Not about the modeling, but being with Adrien!" She grinned at me as I rolled my eyes. Fine, I'd let her have her fun.

"Really?" Adrien's eyes sparkled at the knowledge and I softened my gaze at him. "It's been the most fun I've had in a while modeling..." He admitted sheepishly.

"It wasn't bad," I shrugged, "though I still prefer art." I was still working on my portfolio to send off to agents. I wanted to be an artist, not a model. Not a business woman. An artist. I knew I had what it took if my mother would just listen to me.

Adrien nodded absently as he took a sip of his drink. "Hey, Charlotte. I've been trying to ask this all day, and I really hope I'm not interrupted this time..." He trailed off sheepishly as I raised an eyebrow at him. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" My eyes widened at that. Though I knew he'd been trying to ask me, I didn't think it was that. "I really like you, and I feel as if it's a deeper meaning. So please?" He gave me a hopeful smile, and how could I say no to a face like that?

"I'd love to go on a date with you, Adrien." He beamed at me, and I could have sworn I saw sparkles surrounding his face at that.

"Thank goodness..." Plagg sighed, as if he was a tired parent. "I don't know what would have happened if you said no." He teased, and I laughed when Adrien poked him.

Though I had to wonder if Ladybug found out, what would she say? If she knew that we knew who the other was... both in mask and out of mask.

Nebula - Adrien Agresteحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن