Chapter 4 - Tote Bag at La Bella

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Class wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be. In fact, I would say that the entire class was rather nice... excluding the obvious. I was definitely not expecting Adrien to be in that class, but it was a happy coincidence all the same.

"So what brings you here?" It was now lunchtime and I was sitting with my new friends. Alya, Marinette, Nino and Adrien were all gathered in a circle; Nino was already digging into his lunch.

I blinked at the question, turning towards Alya who seemed genuinely curious. "What do you mean?" I wondered, tilting my head to the side curiously.

Alya opened her can of soda, raising an eyebrow at me. "Where did you come from before you came here? You're clearly a resident of Paris, but I've never met you before." Ah, that. I was wondering when someone was going to ask that question.

"Well..." I trailed off sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck. It was going to get around sooner or later, and I would rather it come from me than from the grapevine. "I got expelled from my old school. Got into a fight and broke a girl's nose..." I laughed nervously at the astonished looks I was given. "In my defense the girl's nose I broke was making fun of someone in a way you shouldn't!" It was true. I'd never actively get into fights if there wasn't a real meaning to them.

"So you were just defending someone's honor?" Alya asked and I nodded my head, popping a cheese-it into my mouth and savoring the taste. I had snuck a piece of banana into my hoodie pocket before the others arrived for Gulla, and I could feel her shuffling as she ate the snack. "I can get down with that." She nodded her head with a shrug.

"Yeah, good on you Charlotte!" Nino grinned at me, his eyes bright at the discovery. "Remind me not to piss you off!" I chuckled at that, fist-bumping the boy as he held his fist out for me. I was definitely not expecting the outcome of the discovery, they took it in stride.

"Honestly I'm surprised," Marinette commented, a pink macaron in her hands. "Though with how you stood up to Chloe I shouldn't be." I gave her a small smile. Apparently no one really stood up to Chloe, considering her father was the Mayor. She used that to her advantage and I wasn't about to take that crap.

Someone else plopped next to them and they all turned to see who it was. "Oh, hi Alix!" Alya grinned at the red haired girl. Not too long after Rose and Juleka joined the group, all looking over at me. I blinked in confusion, wondering why we were suddenly gathering an army.

Alix shrugged when she saw my bewildered look. "I'm interested," she stated simply as she popped a cracker into her mouth. "I saw what you did today, the entire class did. You seem cool." Rose and Juleka nodded along as they sat on either side of Alix.

"Hi!" Rose squeaked excitedly. "I'm Rose, and the quiet one there is Juleka. I hope we can become friends!" Her eyes were bright with hope as Juleka nodded with a small smile.

This was my first. I knew the class was small, but I hadn't realized this meant everyone was friends. Besides Chloe, of course, but I guess that made a lot of sense. They probably all grew up together and had been in the same class for years. That made things a little awkward for me, but they seemed willing to include me. And that was more than what I could say about my past school.

"Nice to meet you three," I nodded with a small smile on my face. This was nice, I thought to myself as we all had a conversation. Alix seemed a lot like me in a sense. A strong sense of justice for people with her temper, and I had a feeling we'd become good friends. Rose was a sweetheart, and once Juleka got comfortable she was easy to talk to.

The rest of the day sailed smoothly. The teachers were warned that I might be a troublemaker, and I was put up front in almost every class. I didn't mind that much though.

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