Chapter 16 - Vesperia And A Big Reveal

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Chloe was serious when she said she wanted to repent for all the hell she put her classmates through. So when a limo showed up at my house, you can imagine how shocked I was to see Chloe sitting inside - looking nervous as hell.

"I don't know how they're going to take this!" Chloe was nervous. Though I could understand. After years of torment, she was finally going to apologize. That must have been rough on her. "They barely give me the time of day, especially once Marinette started to stand up to me. Since then the entire class has evolved into wolves."

I frowned at her. She was bouncing in her seat, a ball of anxiety. "Maybe start with Marinette first?" I suggested, making Chloe widen her eyes. "That might break the ice, don't you think? Show Mari that you're genuine." Before anything else could be said I turned my head to the other blond with a pink streak in her hair, who was just letting us talk and not interfering with the conversation. "Who are you?" I wondered, confusion etched on my face.

The blond blinked, turning to face me. "Oh! I'm Zoe, Chloe's sister!" She introduced herself while I just gaped at her. Since when did Chloe have a sister?! Zoe giggled. "Yeah, that's usually the reaction we get." She beamed at me.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a sister?" I demanded, giving Chloe a raised eyebrow look.

Chloe huffed, crossing her arms under her chest. "It never came up! We weren't exactly close, you know!" She raised her chin haughtily and I laughed. She might be trying to repent for her wrong doings, but she still had that high-classed attitude. That may never change.

When the limo stopped in front of the school, shocked faces gaped at us when they saw me step out with Chloe and Zoe. Especially with Alya, Marinette and Nino - who definitely did not expect me to be with them. Alya knew that I was trying to make an effort, though she probably thought it wasn't as serious as it was.

Adrien, however, had a grateful look on his face. He always got shitted on whenever his friendship with Chloe was mentioned - and I knew he always felt walked over because of how Chloe acted most of the time. Hell, he had told me that people compared the two before he had even introduced himself to the class. All because they were childhood friends.

Chloe took a deep breath. "Relax. Marinette is understanding," I placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Just tell her why you did it. Open up. You'll see that she will forgive you, though it might take her time to get comfortable with being friends with you."

"Yeah," Zoe piped up, "When Marinette thought I was like you she was a little hostile, but when we got close and I told her what was happening she was immediately accommodating. Like she understood." I smiled softly at that. Marinette had that ability to understand when people act like something they're not just because of someone else's influence.

Maybe she had an experience before that made her that way?

Nodding her head Chloe stood up straight. "Okay. Okay. I'll do it." She chanted and I grinned at her. "Hey, Dupain-Cheng!" Chloe called out, making the group jump.

Marinette cleared her throat, surprised. "I-uh-yes?" She stammered, glancing over at me. I gave her a reassuring look, trying to let her know that it wasn't anything bad.

I stood near the group as Marinette and Chloe went somewhere a little more private to talk. "Zoe, I didn't know you were going to be here." Adrien greeted, giving the girl a beaming smile.

"Yeah!" Zoe grinned and I could tell she was definitely different from her sister. "I'm here for a few weeks before I have to go back to New York. We're on holiday at my school in New York, and mother sent me here to hang out with dad and my sister. She's trying to make things right." She shook her head in amusement.

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