The Finale (Part 3: The End)

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Shang Ye had never seen the city so happy before. Not even New Year's day could compare to the festivities that ran through the streets when she and her army entered the city. People crowded along the main street, clamoring to get a glimpse at the heroine who had saved the war... and whisper about her blood-red cloak, and the head of the general that she had killed. 

The entire palace came out to welcome her home. 

The grand hall was lined with all sorts of important people. Nobles, officials, generals, her family, and even his older brother had been let out of confinement to welcome her back. 
Most importantly, an empty throne was also there. 

Shang ye had tried to argue against it. He had tried to argue against the officials who tried to argue for her rise to the throne either as the first empress of the Wei or as his empress since his brother was no longer willing to serve. The only reason why he had even won this argument was because of the support and backing of her family and the generals who wanted to respect her wishes. 

Her words rang in his ears. 
He hated himself that he couldn't even stand up and fight for her last wish in the Wei. 

But she didn't need to know that. She didn't need to be even more disappointed in him than she already was. 

A hush fell over the room when she entered the room alone. 
She hadn't even taken her armor off, and her snowy-white cloak was stained with dried blood. Even though she had never been known to ever take the proper rules of entering the grand hall to heart, this was a record even for her. Nothing about her was presentable, and Shang ye could hear the disapproving whispers from the officials that criticized her appearance. 
He finally understood why she never liked them. 

She let the head of the Song general roll across the floor. His eyes were still open, forever frozen in fright. A few officials looked away at the gore. "I've done what I've had to do." She said flatly. "I'm done here. I have no obligation to the Wei anymore."

No one dared to answer her. 
Shang Ye almost did, but something stuck itself in his throat. 

She didn't care. "I'll be staying in the palace for a little while more, but don't bother coming to check in on me. You won't find me anyway-- I won't be the Xue Xian's room anymore."

Someone finally spoke up. "You won't? Where will you be then?"

"Of course," she said matter of factly. "Im done with whatever the Wei wants to do. I won't be here to govern whatever the hell you're planning to do in the future. I'm stepping down as the Xue Xian. You can do whatever you want with that title now."


Shang Ye felt bad for the official she stared down. 

"Im done. I just want to be a nobody in the palace now-- a guest, if you will. I don't want to feel any more obligation to this place just because you've been treating me nicely." She took in a deep breath. "With that being said, who's going to be in charge after today? I want to know who I'm going to stab if you don't hold up your end of the deal. 

Everyone turned to look at Shang ye. 

He cleared his throat. "I will. My brother was supposed to have his coronation in a few weeks, but I guess that's going to be shifted onto me. He's... stepping down."


She began to walk away, her heavy cloak dragging behind her. 

A twinge of guilt tugged at his heart. 

"Jin qing,"

She stopped in her tracks. 

"Thank you." 

She turned around. 

"Thank you, for helping my father gain his fame and build his kingdom. Thank you for helping the Wei survive through turbulent times." He let his tongue rattle on without thinking. whatever he was saying, it was keeping her from walking away. Who knows if he'll ever see her again once she leaves? Will she even let him see her again? "Thank you, for treating this place as your home even if we didn't always treat you the same way. You've been behind every single achievement that we've accomplished in the past few years. Everything happened because of you." 

A smile tugged at her lips. 

"I'll take care of this place." 

She met his eyes. 

"Thank you, again."

Jin qing's eyes were shining when she answered him. "You're welcome." 

No one else disturbed her as she walked out the hall.
No one else stopped her from leaving it all behind. 

That was the last time anyone ever saw her ever again. 

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