Chapter 43

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Jin qing opened her eyes and stared at the window on the door to try and see who it is.

The wall outside illuminated, most likely from the light of a torch or lantern. The small noise of metal echoed when whoever was outside hung up their light source and peeked through the small hole.

Jin qing couldn't see them too well as the light was behind them, covering the person's face with a shadow.

The woman stared at Jin qing with a soft gasp, and the soft jangle of metal keys on a ring was soon followed by the click of the door unlocking.

Jin qing was immediately alert. Why would someone enter her room? Who would want to enter her room?
She reached for the silver dagger she had on her long before only to brush against only fabric.

She was crestfallen that the dagger she has kept on her since she was a child was lost and taken, but she had bigger things to worry about.

The woman on the other side of the door slowly freaked open the door. She pressed her hand to her mouth, seemingly shocked to see Jin qing. "It really... It really is you-"

Jin qing furrowed her eyebrows together, staring at the woman who seemed to be so overjoyed to see her.

The woman stepped toward Jin qing, who moved away from her advances. The woman sighed and folded her arms across her chest and stared at Jin qing with a sense of softness. "It's been a long time... I really don't expect you to recognize me. Perhaps a little bit of light would help?"
The woman left the room and came back with the lantern, holding it up so Jin qing could see her face.

Jin qing stared at the woman's light brown hair as she knelt in front of the bed, dipping her head with respect.

"Crown princess of the Liang, your majesty..." the woman rose her head, her brown eyes flickering in the dim lantern light. "Forgive me, for I did not know you were still alive-"

Jin qing stumbled down the straw bed and knelt in front of the woman whom she now recognized. She pressed her hand on the woman's cheek, the feeling of crying building up in her throat. "No- don't say sorry-"

"No. I abandoned my duty as your servant and guard even though you were still alive. I had believed you were dead-"

"Yu Qi... no, it's alright. I don't blame you for thinking I was dead. I wanted everyone to believe that. I should be the one saying sorry-"

"I deserved to be punished for my mistakes. Please forgive me-"

"You're already forgiven." Jin qing pulled Yu qi into a tight embrace.

"What are you-" Yu qi helped Jin qing rise to her feet and support her so she wouldn't fall. "You shouldn't be on the floor, here..." She placed Jin qing back on the bed gently. "I would give you some blankets from outside, but I'm not even supposed to be here and Shen Feng would probably get suspicious if a new blanket appeared in your room... I'm sorry I'm unable to do anything for you-"

"No, it's alright." Jin qing shook her head "I'm not that fragile little kid anymore, I don't need your protection from Shen Feng anymore. I'll be fine-"

"No, you won't" Yu Qi insisted. "As long as Shen Feng and you are in one country, you will never be fine. Besides, this isn't the Liang anymore where you had some sort of control over everyone. You are in enemy territory. I need to help you escape-"

"No. not yet."


"We need to get the prince of the Wei and his men back into the Wei." Jin qing held onto Yu Qi's hand tightly. "If I leave first, their chances of escaping would go from little to none. They have a better chance than I ever will here. Yu qi, I intend to save as many lives as possible."

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