Chapter 13

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Jin qing went back with a hero's welcome.

She went to the emperor first, who praised her for her wisdom and bravery, and said the people of that city wants to name her their patron.

Jin qing didn't care for the name nor the title, all she wants is just to relax until she is needed again.

The emperor invited her to stay in the palace for the afternoon, but she declined.

"Right now, all I want if to return home." She said quietly, keeping her head low

"That request is granted." He nodded. "The days of travel must have been hard on you, you may return and rest."

And so Jin qing returned, just as normal, heading straight for her room.

She was stopped by Xue Hua when they crossed paths.
They haven't talked since Jin qing was recognized as the Xue Xian, and this was their first interaction in a while.

Xue Hua curtsied, but Jin qing held onto her hand and lifted her up.

"We are still sisters," she smiled "why are you curtsying?"

"Sister is on a different status, and it's only right if I show some formality..." She said quietly.

Jin qing sighed "we are still family. Here, it's alright. I don't want this silly title to get in the way of our sisterhood."

Xue Hua looked up, her lips playing on a small smile "A silly title?"

Jin qing smiled and looked away at the sky, but she held onto her sister's hands "Its nothing but a title, but who I am doesn't change."

Xue Hua laughed "Why is sister so carefree if the title many would die for? Is the bond of sisters this important to you?"

"I grew up in the countryside without the knowledge that I have sisters, and I wished to treasure them when I return." Jin qing smiled "I grew up around the elderly couple's sons, so I knew no girls of my age until I came here."

"But," Xue Hua replied, stroking her sister's pale and soft hands "if you grew up in the countryside, how are sister's hands still so soft?"

"It wasn't always this soft. Time lets the cuts and roughness heal, but marks are always left behind," she held up her hands to her sister's face "see?"

Sure enough, there were small white scars scattered on her palms and hands, a few pale ones peeked out from under her sleeves.

"Oh, I see..." Xue Hua said softly.

"They knew I was of aristocratic birth, so they gave me gloves as I worked, it helped too." Jin qing said, looking at the sky, then looked back down "What about you Xue Hua? Where are you going?"

"Taking a small walk, studying alone is difficult."

Jin qing smiled "I have time, let me help."


Jin qing listened as her sister recited her texts. Jin qing had it memorized long ago and didn't need a reference.

"Blossom, not petals," Jin qing without opening her eyes, her head rested against the heel of her hand. "And slow down, you must not rush when reading."

Xue Hua knew she must not get impatient at her elder sister, but she was getting a little annoyed.

She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted when she saw her sister's posture straighten and opened her eyes.

"Continue, quickly," Jin qing said hurriedly as she herself opened up a book and pretended to read. "Or rather, come, pretend to be busy"

She followed Jin qing's orders and quickly sat down on the opposite side of her. Xue Hua had just cracked open a book as Shang ye walked in.

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