Chapter 20

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A day before, Xi jian was minding his own business, doing whatever he is doing as an emperor. His mind was still on Jin qing and her safety, still thinking if there was any way to get her back, though he knew she would be furious if he intervened and brought her back.

He had a feeling an enraged Xue Xian will be more than he can handle.

He took a break and decided to walk along the gardens. Even though his title was emperor, he sometimes felt like he was still a prince, and sometimes liked to be alone.

If Jin qing was still here in the palace, he'll look for her for company, but because she wasn't, he walked around the gardens, taking in the scenery.

"Your majesty."

Xi jian looked up. "Why, if it isnt the eldest daughter of the Li family."

Huan le dipped to curtsy, only to be stopped by the emperor.

"We have known each other since we are children. There is no need to be so polite."

"But that was when you were still a prince. Now you are the emperor." Huan le contradicted. "Its only right to show you the respect you deserve."

"Your sister is the Xue xian, but I believe you still talk to her as usual?"

"That's because we are sisters." Huan le smiled "and nothing can come between that."

"Are you worried for her?"

Huan le's face darkened. "Yes, very much."

Xi jian looked up, staring at the pond in the middle of the field. "Losing her will be like losing an arm, we need her."

Huan le looked up at Xi jian, an unreadable expression on her face. "I can help."

"What can you do?"

"Whatever you would like me to do."

"Then how about to keep me company? I was going to ask Jin qing to do that if she was still here."

"Of course."

They walked along the stone path, going nowhere in general, silent. Huan le walked with a small smile, looking down at her feet while Xi jian walked with more of a regal expression.

Xi jian suddenly laughed, breaking the silence.

"What is it?" Huan le asked, curious.

"What did we used to talk about? We used to talk on hours without end while I was still a prince." He chuckled "now we are quiet."

Huan le batted her eyelashes shyly and smiled "you're right."

"How has your family reacted over Jin qing's departure?"

The smile on her face disappeared. "Very worried. Xue hua wanted to go with her, and so we are all very distraught about that."

"I figured it would be a good idea to have someone she knows go with her so she won't be lonely." Xi jian explained, "so her last moments in Wei will be a happy one."

"Of course. Just..."


"Oh, how I wish my sister was back!" She cried out "I miss the talks I have with her as I teach her how to sew and embroider, as she shared to me her knowledge of books and such!"

Xi jian's eyes softened "I miss her as well. But it must be unbearable for you."

Huan le nodded, looking away, trying to hide the tears that were now pooling in her eyes.

Li Jin Qing: The one behind it allΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα