Chapter 49

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Jin qing approached the main hall where she knew Tian Xiang would be.

If she wants better access to the palace and the city- therefore giving her all the resources she needed to bring this mighty city to its knees,  she knew where she must start.

She must start with the emperor himself.

She had asked Yu Qi for more weaknesses in the Song as she knew one wouldn't be enough. She already knew that the military was rather disorganized from the time she was captured with Xue Hua.

The men only behaved because they feared their commanders. If Jin qing gave them a reason to overcome their fear with an even stronger emotion... Like for example, anger...

Jin qing had to stop herself from smiling too much.

The irony, She thought, All the things that went wrong in the Liang that eventually caused its downfall will be repeating itself here... How nice.

They should really be calling me the destroyer of kingdoms since this will be the second kingdom to ever fall by my hands.

Jin qing walked in, putting on an act of easy fearlessness as she did so.

Tian Xiang looked up as soon as she walked in, and rose an eyebrow "here so soon?"

"Listen, I want to get out of here as fast as possible," Jin qing answered, "so I want to get my side of the agreement done just as fast so I can leave."

"It hasn't even been a day since you left your cell. I don't assume you have gotten anything?"

Jin qing rolled her eyes "no, of course not. What do you think? I've barely managed to find my way around here. Goodness, this place is huge." She didn't stop walking, and freely walked up to his table and glanced over at what was on it. "Military campaigns?" She guessed "It seems like you're stuck in quite the stalemate."

"As much as I hate to admit it, you've chosen good generals and commanders to lead the Wei in your absence."

"I know. Did you really think I would charge out and let myself be captured without a backup plan?" She chuckled "Who do you think I am? How can I help the emperor of Wei if I can't even think for myself?"

Tian Xiang let out a heavy sigh and looked up at her "I may be in no position to ask you this, but would you mind helping me?"

Jin qing smirked "and how would you know the things I'm helping you do will eventually help the Wei? I am still loyal to the country I have called home for so many years."

"But would it really be worth sacrificing so many lives to fight long and drawn out battles? With your help, this war can be won rather quickly."

"With the Song victorious?" Jin qing crossed her arms but remained smiling "terribly sorry, but I'm afraid not."

Tian Xiang chuckled "I really shouldn't have expected anything more than that. Alright then."

Jin qing was staring at the map below her, scanning over at the arrangements of the different troops.

The sudden bulge in the Song borders must be the places where Shen Feng was, and from the looks of it, he's going in the general direction of the capital.

Judging from the utter speed of the conquest he had done, he was trying to get back to the Wei capital as soon as he could before his forces wore out. He had chosen to capture a smaller city near the river and was possibly getting supplies and reinforcements from there.

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