Chapter 38

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Huan le's hand immediately flew to her cheek where Jin qing and struck her.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." Jin qing warned Huan le, her voice shaking as much as her hand. "Don't you dare."

Huan le somehow still managed to keep the prideful smirk on her face when she returned her gaze to Jin qing. "Why? Too scared for your secret coming out? I wonder how the others will react when-" Huan le paused when she saw how red Jin qing's face had become. "I enjoy seeing you like this, I'll have you know. And go on, try to tell everyone about this. My great grandparents had already erased all records of my family coming from the Song, so go ahead and try to convict me without proof."

Jin qing already knew this when she had gone to search for Huan le's family records dating back to her mother's side. Everything about her mother's heritage was erased, only starting from three generations back.
This didn't stop the anger within her from rising.

"And even if you try to accuse me of treason, while you were being quiet and staying at home all those previous years, I have made more connections and alliances among the nobles than you'd think. Even Xi jian, the emperor himself, trusts me with important information." Huan le pointed out "I'll either have them defend me or I'll have them smuggle me out of the Wei and into the Song, where I'll be even more of a threat than I am now. It's your choice."

The anger blocked all thought coming from Jin qing's brain, and she struggled to respond. "How I wish the world knows the truth about you..."

"Oh! They will!" Huan le smiled, spreading her arms. "The world will know once the Wei falls and the Song remains victorious. I'll be the empress of two kingdoms combined, especially how that country is practically under the Song General's control."

Jin qing took in a deep breath "You know you can't trust that man, right? He betrayed his own country, killed its emperor and his wives and children-"

Huan le shook her head, her smile never falling from her face. "I trust him because he knows what he wants and how to get it- unlike Xi jian. Admit it, even you know that the only reason why he's functioning is because of you."

"He's more capable than you think."

"Or is he?" Huan le tilted her head. "If you'd ask me, his younger brother is the more suitable choice. Did you know that he was the one who made so many decisions concerning this country's welfare and food supply during your absences? But too bad he'll never live to see the day that he'll be crowned emperor... nor will he live to see the Wei again."

"What do you-"

"That military campaign he's going on?" Huan le smirked "Let us just say I've passed on enough information. Xi jian trusts me more than you'd think~"

Fear seized Jin qing's heart.
She needs to find a way to stop Shang ye from going. She needs to find a way to tell Xi jian not to trust Huan le with such information.
Whirling around on her feet, she ran for Xi Jian's room, ignoring the shrieks of laughter coming from Huan le's lips.

<> <> <>

"Xi Jian, where is your brother right now?" Jin qing demanded to know.

"Why do you ask? He left yesterday." Xi jian tilted his head. "A short while after he went to see you" He answered with a hint of bitterness, but Jin qing had no time to dwell on that.

"You need to withdraw him from his mission." Jin qing's voice was firm and her eyes unforgiving. She knew what she wanted and she wanted Shang ye safe.


"It's a trap."

Xi jian folded his arms across his chest and chuckled. "And now tell me, why do you think it's a trap?"

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