Chapter 7

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Jin qing could not sleep that night. How can she after realizing how foolish she has been?

How could she not have noticed this earlier? Now, countless of lives would be costed because of her elementary mistake.

Bai yan and Ye bing understood partly what their miss is going through. They worried for her, however. Their miss had a unhealthy habit of blaming herself if anything went wrong on her account, no matter how small was her contribution. As long as she was part of it, she felt responsible.

Even serving their miss for seven years, they still never understood why. They knew that their miss was sent to the countryside at birth because of her status, and returned only for eight years, but the details they never knew.

They looked up to their miss as a elder sister. Her return has saved them from the streets, and the emperor himself trained them to be her maid and unofficial bodyguard.

They thanked their miss for that, and vowed to stay by her side.

The next morning, while their miss is still asleep, Bai yan and Ye bing went out their way to try and give their miss a good breakfast.

They came back dejected, only carrying a bowl of congee and a few steamed buns. All the good breakfast has been reserved for the royal family and the legitimate daughters of Li's family.
The only difference between their miss' meals and the servants is that there was some chopped spring onions sprinkled ontop of the congee.
Bai yan and Ye bing was furious.

They came back and helped dress their somber miss. They pushed the simple breakfast to her, and Jin qing picked up the only two steamed buns and gave it to them.

"You girls eat as well. I dont want you two hungry" Jin qing said softly.

"No! We arent hungry, you eat too!" Bai yam exclaimed.

"You better take these before my hands get tired."

Noticing how their miss wont be giving up anytime soon, they took it reluctantly and bit into it.

"Miss? You can stop worrying about the attack that night. It wasnt your fault. You can't foresee everything." Ye bing said.

Jin qing put her spoon down.

"It doesnt mean we can let our guard down. Eat, before it gets cold"

Jin qing didnt want to tell them the things that are in mind now. If she did, they'll be even more worried than they should be.

"Hunting again miss?" Bai yan asked cheerfully


Both maids looked up in surprise. "No? Why not?" Ye bing asked.

"I dont feel like it today. Besides, look what happened yesterday. I dont want to get caught up in the highness' business."

Bai yan and Ye bing looked at each other. They knew their miss is tired and most likely didnt sleep well last night.

"Alright, you rest then." Bai yan nodded.

Jin qing slowly walked back to her bed and laid down. She ws basically fully dressed, so she just laid down and put her head to her pillow and tried to rest.

Bai yan and Ye bing moved lightly and softly. Their miss is a light sleeper, so one went out and did the chores and one stayed inside.

Ye bing stayed inside and sewed up a small tear in her miss' hunting robes. She often glanced back to check on her miss to see if she was still sleeping soundly. And from the looks of it, she was.

Bai yan, on the other hand, was outside- the front face of the bombarding questions.

First, a lot of the servants asked her questions about her ever hiding miss. Then its was why her miss was so good at archery.
The questions didn't end, and Bai yan tried to best to answer them as well as she can.

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